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Tribal rallyFor the implementation of Forest Act, 2006 & opposing Vijaynagar police firing on Tribals, on 29 Feb. at Vyara, District Tapi ( Gujarat) Followed by several other rallies in Gujarat & Maharashtra As you are aware that the rules for the implementation of Scheduled tribes and traditional forest dwellers (recognition of forest land) Act, 2006 are declared by the central government with some flaws, after a long delay. In the mean time, massive attempts were made by forest officials for the harassment and eviction of forest dwellers from their occupied land, nationally, which is now needed to undo according to the objective of Act. But it is difficult task; the Government policies running under the neo-liberalism are already abdicating its pronounced commitment. It is acquiring the fertile agricultural land and forest land for MNCs and big corporate houses for the special economic zones (SEZ) & the mining purposes, at one hand and the other hand declaring the rules for the implementation of FRA providing legal rights to the tribal over the forest land. The whole exercise is looking ridiculous and contradicting to each other. Friends, while the conservationists, a section of forest bureaucrats, paper & pulp companies and other wastage interests are campaigning for its non- implementation, only the people’s struggle with the powerful mobilization can employ it in the interest of Tribals. However, after the notification, the act required state governments to constitute committees at different level for the commencement of the Act. At this juncture, Lok Sangharsh Morcha has decided to hold a series of tribal rallies in Gujarat and Maharashtra for the implementation of FRA. It is started from Vyara; district Tapi on 29 th February, 08 (rally ground is behind DNC market). Twenty thousand participants including the Tribal women are expected to come in this rally from different part of district. Rally would be followed by other rallies to different districts of Gujarat and Maharashtra like 13 March at Sagbara ( Gujarat) Bhusawal on 28 Feb., Yaval on 3 March, Chopra, Dharangaon, Chalisgaon, Nandurbar, Shahda, Taloda and Shirpur (Maharastra). The condemnation of police firing on tribal held on 13 February at Vijaynagar Taluka ( Gujarat) demanding for expulsion of culprits would be the other major issue of the rally. The implementation of Fifth schedule of constitution ensuring tribal self rule in Gujarat is also one of the prominent issues. Please makes sure your participation in the struggle. With regards, Ambarish Rai ( President), Pratibha Shinde (General Secretary ) LOK SANGHARSH MORCHA (LSM) Posted onwww.ambedkartimes.com ( February 28, 2008) |
We are so shocked to hear about the sad demise of Mr. Sita Ram Sheemar who passed away on February 13, 2008 . Mr. Sita Ram Sheemar was a very nice & full of sincere love for every body & also he was very active & dedicated to the Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Ontario . Mr. Sita Ram Sheemar was Brother-in-law of Mr. Harmesh Sandhi (President of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Ontario ) & Mr. Ram Sandhi (President of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Toronto). Words can not express our shock at this great loss. Our deepest sympathies go out to the families of Sheemar & Sandhi. Prem Kumar Chumber (Editor) www.ambedkartimes.com Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( February 22, 2008 ) |
DR. AMBEDKAR BIRTH DAY CELEBRATION COMMITTEE ORGANIZED TOP PICTURE: From front: Anand Balley, Raj Paul Bagha, Jit Singh Mattu, Mohinder Sallan, Ashok Sandhu, Sukhdev Thaper, Banta Ram, Maget Sahota, From back: Gain Kaura, Malkiet Heer, Ram Lobaya, Hermesh Sandhi, Ashwani Sandhu, Hans Raj, Ajit Lear, Jagdish Gil & Rakesh Sallan The meeting took place in the Indian Buddhist Temple (Est. under Dr. Ambedkar Mission Toronto). The committee consists of Ambedkar Mission Toronto, Bhagwan Valmik Sabha Toronto and Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha Ontario . Dr. Ambedkar birth day celebration, chosen committee members: Gain Kaura, Mohinder Sallan, Hans Raj, Banta Ram, Rakesh Sallan, Malkiet Heer, Anand Balley, Ajit Lear, Ashok Sandhu and Sukhdev Thaper, Ashwani Sandhu, Maget Sahota, Jagdish Gill, Jit Sigh Mattu, Harmesh Sandhi, Raj Paul Bagha. The committee decided for Baba Shaib Birth Day celebration in the first week of May 2008. Date and Place will be announced shortly. Please keep visiting www.ambedkartimes.com for more info. This year’s celebration will be to a large extent than last year, probably more successful and better accomplish in our mission. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( February 10, 2008 ) |
(Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau) Ambedkartimes.com congratulates all the Shri Guru Ravidass Sabhas in the entire North America for their great endeavor to celebrate 123 rd Birth anniversary of the founder of the glorious and the first Dalit Movement, popularly known as the Ad Dharm Movement, in Punjab and a renowned Ghadarite Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia who not only envisioned but actually worked for the total emancipation of the Dalits from the clutches of the most oppressive caste based hierarchical social order and their genuine empowerment through their cultural transformation and spiritual regeneration. In fact, what is more exciting is that it is perhaps for the first time in the history of Dalit diasporas that the 123 rd birth anniversary of Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, the founder of the Ad Dharm movement, is celebrated at such a grand scale in U.S.A. and Canada. This is a clear indication of the rising level of Dalit consciousness among the community members abroad; quite interestingly a large majority of them also come from the very region to which Babu Ji belonged. Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia’s birth anniversary is celebrated along with the independence celebrations & birth anniversary of Km. Mayawati Ji Ambedkartimes.com pleads for (1) the declaration of official holiday in the name of Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia , (2 ) naming of I.T.I at Garhshankar after his name and (3) celebrating his birthday as an Ad Dharm day . Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia was born on January 14, 1886 in a Chamar family in village Mugowal, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab . His father had a business of selling hides. In 1909, Mangoo Ram immigrated to America where he came in close contact with the Gadhar Party (a militant nationalist organisation). On his return home in 1925, he started organizing Scheduled Castes against the system of untouchability and founded the Ad Dharm movement. In January 1928, he led a deputation of 150 prominent Ad Dharmis to the Simon Commission and gave memorandum for equal rights for the Dalits. In 1932, he also met the Lothian Committee at Lahore asserting that Dalits were neither Sikhs, Hindus, Christians nor Muslims. He reiterated the fact that they were, in fact, the indigenous people of India whose religion was Ad Dharm. He also sent telegrams during the Roundtable Conferences in London (1930-32) pledging Ad Dharm support for Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the leader of the untouchables in India instead of M. K. Gandhi. In 1946, he was elected to the Punjab Legislative Assembly and remained in legislature till 1952. On 25 July 1976 , he was invited as a Chief Guest by Ad Dharm Brotherhood, UK , at the Ad Dharm Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Ad Dharm Brotherhood, UK honored him with a pension of Rs.100 per month which he received till his death. On 15 August, 1972, Indira Gandhi, the then Prime minister of India, honored him with a Tamra Patra and a pension of Rs.200 per month for the services he rendered in the Gadhar Party during India's struggle for freedom. He died on April 22, 1980. Among the societies who celebrated this special day: Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Vancouver (Canada), Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Calgary (Canada), Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Ontario ( Toronto, Canada), Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Toronto (Burlington, Toronto Canada), Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of New York (New York, USA), Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Sacramento (California, USA) Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Pittsburg (California, USA) , Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Bay Area (California, USA) Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Fresno (California, USA) , Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Selma (California, USA) , Shri Guru Ravidass Temple Yuba City (California, USA), Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Huston (Texas, USA) Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Seattle (Washington., USA) , Ambedkartimes.com (California, USA), Ambedkar Mission Toronto (Canada) & Indian Buddhist Society Toronto (Canada) etc. Among the prominent personalities who paid tributes to Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, Bharat Ratan Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Km. Mayawati included Mr. Kewal Bolina (President of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Sacramento), Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber (Editor of Ambedkar Times), Mr. Ajit Ram Bangar (Chairman of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Sacramento), Mr. Sonu Ambedkar (Vice President of IBO California), Mr. Mohan Gill (at Shri Guru Ravi Dass Temple Yuba City), Dr. Harmesh, Mr. Dashvinder Paul (Secretary of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Pittsburg), Mr. Ajay Kataria (President of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Pittsburg), Giani Bal Singh, Giani Harblas Singh, Mrs. Ginny Bhatia, Mr. Des Raj Bangar (Secretary of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Fresno), Mr. Bansi Lal Bangar (President of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Fresno), Giani Avtar Singh Maheru (Granthi of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Fresno), Mr. Harbans Singh Mahey, Mr. Mr. Lahori Ram Commissioner, Mr. Randhir Suman, Mr. Baldev Suman (Chairman of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Bay Area), Mr. Vinod Chumber (President of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Bay Area), Mr. Ram Murti Saroya, Mr. Balbir Thind, Mr. Sucha Ram Bharta, Mr. Balbir Singh Royal, Mr. Balbir Singh Sheemar, Mr. Pinder Paul ((President, Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha of New York), , Mr. Pirthi Paul Bangar, Mr. Sita Ram Ahir (New York), Mr. H. P. Karrah (Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Calgary), Mr. Kuldip Mehmi (Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Huston), Mr. Harmesh Sandhi (President of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Ontario), Mr. Anand Balley (General Secretary of Ambedkar Mission Toronto), Mr. Daulat Birdi, Mr. Hardev Bangar, Mr. Raj Kumar Oshoraj (Vice President of Indian Buddhist Society Toronto (Canada) at Shri Guru Ravidass Gurudwara Burlington (Toronto, Canada ), & Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber (www.ambedkartimes.com) etc. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( February 1st, 2008 ) |
SHRI GURU RAVI DASS SOCIETIES CELEBRATING BABU MANGOO RAM MUGOWALIA’S 123 rd BIRTH ANNIVERSARY (Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau) Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Vancouver, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of New York, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Seattle, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Sacramento, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Pittsburg, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Bay Area, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Fresno, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Selma, Shri Guru Ravidass Temple Yuba City & Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Burlington ( Toronto ) will celebrate the birth anniversary of Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia who was a great revolutionary, freedom fighter & founder of the Ad Dharm Movement in Punjab in the early 1920s. He was one of the very few Mulnivasi visionaries who correctly realized that the real salvation of the downtrodden lies in their total social and cultural transformation. The birth anniversary celebration will be held on Sunday January 27 th 2008 at Shri Guru Ravi Dass Temples except Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Bay Area and this Sabha will celebrate at Newark Pavilion 6430, Thornton Avenue Newark ( California ). All sangat is requested by the Shri Guru Ravidass Societies to participate in this celebration with families. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 25, 2008 ) |
Seminar on Sources of Dalit Consciousness in Punjab Organised by Dalit Chetna Manch Punjab (Regd.) At Mohali (Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau) The Ad Dharm movement gave a distinct social identity to the socially excluded people of the state who came to have their own religion (Ad Dharm), their own Gurus (Sat Gurus Ravidass, Kabir and Valmiki Ji) their own symbols (Sohangh and Har), their own way of address (Jai Guru Dev and Dhan Guru Dev) and their own ardas (Nam Tero Aarti and Jo Bole so Nirvaih, Sri Guru Ravidass Maharaj ki Jai). Dr. Ronki Ram Chandigarh : - Dalit Chetna Manch Punjab (Regd.) organised a seminar on "Sources of Dalit Consciousness in Punjab " at Mohali on January 20, 2008 . Speaking on the topic of the seminar Dr. Ronki Ram of the Department of Political Science, Panjab University emphasised on the role of the Ad Dharm movement of Punjab , founded by Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, in the generation of Dalit consciousness in the state. He said this movement gave a distinct social identity to the socially excluded people of the state who came to have their own religion (Ad Dharm), their own Gurus (Sat Gurus Ravidass, Kabir and Valmiki Ji) their own symbols (Sohangh and Har), their own way of address (Jai Guru Dev and Dhan Guru Dev) and their own ardas (Nam Tero Aarti and Jo Bole so Nirvaih, Sri Guru Ravidass Maharaj ki Jai). In addition, he refered to the role played by various Ravidass Deras in the consolidation of the Ravidassi Samaj in Punjab , particularly Dera Sach Khand Ballan. He also highlighted the role played by the Dalit Diaspora in the creation of Dalit Consciousness in the state. Organisation of International Dalit conferences in Europe and North America, construction of Ravidass Temples in different cities abroad, launching of web sites, newspapers and magazines are some of the most prominent activities of the Dalit Diaspora. Mr. Sri Ram Arash, a noted poet of the region, deliberated in detail on the contribution of the Bhakti movement and the Gurus in the proliferation of Dalit consciousness in Punjab . He said though religion has been the prime cause of untouchability and casteism in our country, but it was also used to cut the roots of this very social evil. Mr. Shamsher Purkhalvi, President of the Dali Chetna Manch, said that lack of proper leadership and social consciousness could be held responsible for the sorry state of affairs of the Dalits and the only way out for its peaceful resolution is the articulation and proper dissemination of Dalit consciousness in the state and the entire country. He assured that his Manch would continue to struggle towards that end. Mr. Bhupinder Singh of the Manch read the annual report of the organisation and underlined the fact that by now the Manch has spent about 60 lacks rupees on the development of the Dalits. Mr. Jasjit Singh Banni, Chairman of Punjab State Co-operative Bank, was the chief guest on the occasion. In his concluding remarks he appreciated the efforts of the Manch and the leadership provided by Mr. Purkhalvi. He said that social service is the supreme and respectable service towards the mankind. If this service is done towards the downtrodden, its importance increases even further many folds. He also released the New Year Calendar of the Dalit Chetna Manch. Other dignitaries who participated in seminar included Councilor Mrs. Baljit Kaur Purkhalvi , Vice president MC Harmanpreet Singh, Councilor Mohanbir Singh Shergill, District Public Relations Officer Ms. Uma Sharma, Madam Rajwant Kaur, Bhajan Singh Baghri, Inderjit Singh Chandigarh , Mr. Chaman Lal among others. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 21, 2008 ) |
Celebrations of India ’s Republic Day and Birthdays of Ghadri Baba Mangoo Ram Mugowalia and Kum. Mayawati By Jai Birdi The past weekend turned out to be full of celebrations and events in the Vancouver area . (Vancouver): Saturday, January 26, marked the 59 th Republic day of India and it was observed by flag-hoisting ceremony and reception hosted by the Consul General of India, Shri Ashok Kumar. The ceremony included consul general reading President Pratibha Patil’s address to the nation that she made on the eve of the republic day. While Indians and persons of Indian origin were cherishing Indian’s Republic Day Celebrations, a number of Christian missionaries were celebrating Mission Fest 2008 at the Vancouver Convention and Trade Centre, just a few meters away from the consulate general premises. The Mission Fest is based on the principle of local churches working together to reach out to the world. To reach out to the world, the Surrey-based Dalit Freedom Network screened a film, “India’s Hidden Journey”- showing child labor, trafficking of young girls under the guise of temple prostitutes, and other forms of subjugation faced mostly by Dalits in India. While the organizers acknowledged that India has made significant changes and continues to make progress in many fronts, mind sets of a lot of people still needs to be changed. On the following day, members of Chetna Association of Canada and Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Vancouver observed India ’s Republic Day and birthdays of Chief Minister Mayawati and the late Ghadri Baba Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia. A one-hour film on the achievements of CM Mayawati was screened and a message written by Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia was read at the Dr. Ambedkar Library in Burnaby , located in the premises of the Shri Guru Ravidass Community Centre at 7271 Gilley Avenue . According to Prof. GS Ball, “Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia represents a rare example among the revolutionaries Ghadrites philosophy. In those dark days, it was rare for an untouchable to understand the essence of revolution against imperialism. But he rose to the occasion and proved his mettle. He joined the Ghaddar Party when he went to California (U.S.A.) in 1909 A.D. As its active member, Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia; it appears desired an establishment of society which must be based on Equality. And he saw one being fought for by the Ghadrites as they had abolished all social distinctions among themselves first-which, perhaps, is not the practice with the modern community or who profess change of the sort. As Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia spoke of the Ghaddar Party, "It was a new society; we were all treated as equals". On Sunday January 27 in the evening, the Republic Day celebrations were hosted by All India Congress Association of Vancouver ( Canada ) at the Fraserview Banquet Hall. The reception stated by recital of Indian and Canadian national Anthems, opening address by Gopal Lohia, and cultural performances. The ceremony also included the Consul General of India, Shri Ashok Kumar, garlanding the portrait of Baba Sahib Dr. Ambedkar, Father of Indian constitution. The consul general was joined by the office bearers of All India Congress Association, Chetna Association of Canada, and the Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Vancouver . Number of key dignitaries who took part in these celebrations included MP Sukh Dhaliwal, MLA Harry Bains, MLA Dave Hayer, and Councilor Sav Dhaliwal. Arun Suri, chairperson of this organization expressed his gratitude to all for joining in these celebrations. Seeing the work and vision being acknowledged by the mainstream organization was a powerful experience for many. “I think this is a remarkable gesture and step taken by the Indian National Congress of Vancouver to acknowledged and pay tributes to Dr. Ambedkar on the Republic Day. I think this is the first time it has happened in Canada where a non-Dalit took this type of initiative”, said Bill Basra, president of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Vancouver . Harbir Batra, General Secretary of the Indian National Congress (Vancouver) sees it as everyone’s responsibility to pay tributes to national Fathers such as Dr. Ambedkar. “It was our moral duty to pay regards and tributes to our learned great leader with whose efforts and contributions to Indian polity we are getting purity in our society day by day. The name of Baba Sahib will always shine in the sky of India as father of the constitution which paved path for equality and eradication of social evils”, said Batra. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 31, 2008 ) |
World Religion Day Celebration 2008
Dr. Ambedkar Mission ( Toronto ) takes part in the World Religion Day. Ven Gayanosiri Chief Abbot of Indian Buddhist Temple (Established under Ambedkar Mission Toronto ) did a Buddhist prayer, along with a speech on Buddhism. Anand, Punam , and Benjamin Balley and Jagiri and Shinder Bance attended this celebration. Along with the Mayor of Pickering , Shashi Bhatia, Toronto Police Chief and the Indian Consulate General. Including Joanie Gerter, Nick Preston, Donald Igbokwe and Perry Halls, who are member of the organizing committee. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 31, 2008 ) |
DR. SAWRAJ SINGH’S VISIT TO CALIFORNIA Picture (1): Dr. A J Sekhon presenting a plaque to Dr. Sawraj Singh Left to Right: Rabinder S. Atwal, Harbans Jagyasu, Mohinder S. Ghagg, Tara S. Sagar, Dr. Sawraj Singh, Dr. Arjinderpal S. Sekhon, and Attorney Jaspreet Singh Picture (2): Dr. Swaraj releasing Tejinder S. Thind's book on Punjabi 'Gazal' Left to Right: Harbans S. Jagyasu, President Punjabi Sahit Sabha, Dr. Swaraj Singh, Tejinder S. Thind, Manjit Kaur Sekhon, Nirmal S. Lalli. Picture (3): Participants in discussion on "Sikh Ideology and the Menace of Globalization' organized by Amritsar Times Newsgroup, San Jose . Left to Right: Jasjit Singh, Sarbjit K. Cheema, Prof. Pritam Singh Cheema, Jaswinder S. Jandy, Dr. Swaraj Singh, Ajmer Singh, Kamal Banga, Jaswant S. Hothi, Resham Singh, Harjot S. Khalsa and Jagjit Naushehrvi.
Sacramento : - Dr. Sawraj Singh is a well know cardio-vascular surgeon and a prolific writer, columnist and social scientist. He is chairman, Washington State N etwork for Human Rights. He has authored more than nineteen books on South Asian politics and religions. He believes that South Asia has a lot to give to the world in restructuring international human relations. In the afternoon, he was invited by Amritsar Times Newsgroup in San Jose , California for joining the discussion on “Sikh Principles and the Menace of Globalization” Later; he paid a visit to the historical Sikh Gurudwara in Stockton . On Sunday, Dr. Sawraj Singh addressed the congregation in Gurudwara West Sacramento. Then, he proceeded to Yuba City to attend a meeting of the Punjabi Sahit Sabha California . Posted on www.ambedlartimes.com ( January 25, 2008 ) |
FOUNDATION OF BUDDHA VIHARA WILL BE LAID BY SHERWAL Respected all Namo Buddhay! Jai Bheem!! 1. The programme of the Foundation of Buddha Vihar has been fixed now. It is on Sunday, 17 Feb, 2008 . 2. It is to be made on Chhutmalpur (Fatehpur) – Kalsia Road , Distt- Saharanpur, (UP) 3. In addition, An English Medium Public School plus a Bauddhacharya School will be a part of this holy place. 4. THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THIS BUDDHA VIHAR WILL BE LAID BY OUR CHIEF GUEST, HONUORABLE RAHUL KUMAR SHERWAL FROM CALIFORNIA , ( USA ) . 5. A grand ceremony will be held on this auspicious occasion. So, all are cordially invited to attend the function. 6. I once again thank you all for your liberal generosity to this noble work. THIS IS OUR DONORS SUCCESS. BUDDHA VIHAR IS ESSENTIAL TO CARRY FORWARD BABA SAHEB’S MISSION . May Lord Buddha bless you all pleasures and happiness! With deep bow down, Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 25, 2008 ) |
Phagwara (16 January, Wednesday): Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Parkash Singh Badal Inaugurated Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Bus Terminal PRTC, newly built Ultra-Modern, at a cost of Rs. 3.22 crore on BOT basis in 25 Kanal of land at Phagwara. On that occasion addressing the large gathering M. Mohan Lal and Ch. Swarna Ram Cabinet Ministers appreciated the Founder of the Indian Constitution Dr. Baba Sahib Ambedkar and his contributions. Dr. Ambedkar was one of the illustrious sons of the India who struggled throughout his life to restructure the Indian Society on humanitarian and egalitarian principles. He was not only a great national leader but also a distinguish scholar of international repute. He not only led various social movements for the upliftment of the depressed sections of the Indian Society but also contributed to the understanding of the Socio-Economic and Political problems of India through his scholarly works. It is pertinent to mention here that the question of naming the new Bus Terminal of Phagwara after the name of Dr. Ambedkar was raised by Advocate Virdi in the Panchayat Samiti Phagwara's meeting, held on 23rd November, 2007 under the chairperson Smt. Krishna Kainth, which was unanimously passed by the whole house and the same was supported by the three dozen leaders of social, religious bodies, members of the Phagwara MC Councilors, Village Panchs and Namberdars and Social Organisations. Advocate Virdi thanks to Mr.Charanjit Hans district President, Bhagwan Valmik Dharam Yud Morcha Kapurthala, Gurmukh Singh President, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Society, Kapurthala, Harinder Seetal President, Bharitya Valmik Trekal Kapurthala, Surinder Singh Mattu President, Bhagwan Valmik Braham Gian Punjab, Ram Pal Bangar President, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Kapurthala, Puran Singh Zonal President, All India SC, ST Employes, Dharam Pal Panther Gen. Secy. Dr. B R Ambedkar Society, RCF Kapurthala, Mr. Kashmir Singh Mahi, Smt. Jasbir Kaur Khera members of Zila Parishad, Kapurthala, Smt. Surinder Kaur Councilor Phagwara, Darshan Lal, Sarpanch, Madhopur, Gian Chand Sarpanch, Ranipur Kamboan, Chaman Lal Sarpanch, Mauli, Mohinder Pal Sarpanch, Chaheru, Kashmiri Lal Sarpanch, Bhanoki, Jatinder Singh Sarpanch, Pipa Rangi, Mehanga Ram Sarpanch, Gobindpura, Tirath Ram Sarpanch, Bhula Rai, Gurparshad Bagga Sarpanch, Kot Rani, Chainchal Ram Sarpanch, Nangal, Surinder Kaur Sarpanch, Chachoki, Surjeet Kumar Sarpanch, Khera, Kulwinder Kaur Sarpanch, Birk, Jasbir Sarpanch, Khalwara, Kamla Devi Sarpanch, Amrik Nagri, Charanjit Singh Namberdar, Narur, Somnath Namberdar, Jagatpur Jattan, Raunki Ram Namberdar, Darvesh Pind, Bakshi Ram Namberdar, Abadi, Niranjan Dass and Mehanga Ram Namberdar, Phagwara, Hukam Singh, Smt. Kamaljit Kaur, Shangara Ram, Ram Saran, Vijay Laxmi, Rupinder Kaur etc. all Block Samiti members also supported and signed the memorandum. Dr. Ambedkar Welfare Society, Birk, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha, Urban Estate, Phagwara, Mohinder Singh, Gen. Sec. Pragtisheel Vichar Manch, Phagwara, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar Welfare Committee, Phagwara for co-operation and support the same. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 18, 2008 ) |
THE WORKSHOP ON DALIT STUDENTS’ POLITICS & RELEASE OF INSIGHT ISSUE Anoop Kumar Date: - 3rd February 2008 Time: - 2.30 pm Venue: - Qaumi Ekta Trust (Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Bhawan) 31, Bhai Veer Singh Marg, Gole Market, New Delhi – 110001 I nsight Editorial Collective cordially invites you to the release of the next issue of 'Insight: Young Voices' on 3rd February (Sunday). The release will be followed by a workshop on 'Dalit Students' Politics: Challenges and Directions', where Dalit student activists from different universities/institutions will share their campus experiences as well as deliberate on the different issues concerning Dalit students. The recent report of Prof. S.K. Thorat Committee exposing the caste discrimination faced by the Dalit students in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and complete inaction from the Indian Government has reinforced the need for a vibrant and autonomous Dalit students' activism. Dalit movement has a long history of youth participation. However, due to various reasons, a strong Dalit students' politics, that could have a major impact both inside as well as outside the campus, has not emerged. Though every educational campus of this country is simmering with Dalit Consciousness, yet it will take some time and huge efforts to channelise Dalit students' energies towards our common cause. Being itself the product of Dalit students' activism, 'Insight: Young Voices' is committed towards a strong and autonomous Dalit student politics. Apart from regular articles and interviews on various issues, the cover story of our next issue of 'Insight: Young Voices' tries to map the emergence and role of Dalit students' politics in Jawaharlal Nehru University, Hyderabad Central University and Meerut University (UP), as these have become one of the most important centers of Dalit students' mobilisation and articulation. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 31, 2008 ) |
SCREENING OF FILM “KAMMO” Photos: Paramjit Kainth & Report by Jai Birdi Vancouver (Canada): C hetna Association of Canada hosted a function on January 12 at the Dr. Ambedkar Library (Guru Ravidass Community Centre) in Burnaby where Gurdeep Bhullar’s film Kammo on female infanticide was shown; Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s calendar produced by Gurpreet Singh and Radio India painted by Shital Anmol was distributed, and a fictional letter of unborn female child was read by a teenage girl, Prabhjot Sandhu. The fictional letter was written by Dr. Baldev Singh, Sr. Medical Officer and Dr. Gurminder Sidhu of Mohali and was sent to Chetna Association of Canada by Dr. Brij Lal, also of Mohali. After the film, a discussion was held on the following issues:
Gopal Lohia and Vinay Sharma, representing the Indian National Congress (I) also took part in the discussion and announced their plans to dedicate republic day to Dr. Ambedkar, father and brain behind making of the Indian constitution. These celebrations are to be held at the Fraser view Banquet Hall in Vancouver . Surinder Ranga, president of Chetna Association of Canada and Bill Basra, president of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha ( Vancouver ) also announced their plans to celebrate the Indian Republic Day on January 27 at 1 pm at the Dr. Ambedkar Library in Burnaby . Paramjit Kainth, community activist and a director of Chetna Association of Canada denounced the practice of female infanticide and sang a song dedicated to all women. Gurdeep Bhullar, who was honored for making the film Kammo and educating communities on the issue of female infanticide in India and in Canada , was very humble with his comments and said he had only done what was his duty. Bhullar also highlighted a need to produce more film on other social issues. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 18, 2008 ) |
Mr. Jai Birdi of Vancouver Honored by four organizations Report by: Harry Kainth and Photos by Paramjit Kainth Vancouver : On Sunday January 6, 2008 Mr. Jai Birdi of Vancouver , Canada , was honored by a number of organizations for his sincere services to the community. Birdi was also honored on his advancement in his care and his recent appointment as a regional manager with crown agency, Community Living British Columbia. Mr. Jai Birdi joined public service approximately twenty years ago. We had been thinking of honoring for long time, but this was a more appropriate “timing to celebrate Jai’s contributions”, said Bill Basra, president of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha ( Vancouver ). Number of organizations and individuals joined Basra in showing their appreciation for the work Mr. Jai Birdi has been doing. Among these organizations were: Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha ( Vancouver , BC ), Shri 108 Sant Sarwan Dass Charitable Trust ( Western Canada ), Indian Buddhist Society (Vancouver), and Chetna Association of Canada. Jai was presented with a plaque of honor in the morning during the Sunday gathering at the Guru Ravidass Community Centre in Burnaby and a dinner was organized in the evening at the Royal Banquet Hall in Vancouver . MLA Raj Chauhan, Burnaby City Councilor Sav Dhaliwal, Famous Radio host Mr. Gurpreet Singh, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha committee members and more than 200 well known people from the Community were present to congratulate and show their appreciation to Jai Birdi. “Jai Birdi is a very well known and a much respected person in the Community and we all feel very proud to be associated with him”, said Paramjit Kainth, a strong community activist and former general secretary of Chetna Association of Canada. Some of the projects that Jai undertook and involved the community included in completing these projects included: (1) Installing Dr. Ambedkar photos and his collected works at the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and University of Victoria. (2) Coordinating International Dalit Conference in Vancouver (3) Installing Bust of Dr. Ambedkar at the Simon Fraser University ( Vancouver ). The Bust was donated by the Dr. Ambedkar group of UK and the base was donated by Bill Basra. (4) Presented Dr. Ambedkar Portrait to the City of Burnaby . The painting, by Shital Anmol, is now installed in the deliberation room at the City Hall. (5) Facilitated presentation of Dr. Ambedkar portrait to the Consulate general of India . The painting by Shital Anmol was donated by Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Vancouver . On behalf of all organizations and his friends, we wish very best to Jai Birdi and congratulate him and his family on his promotion. “We are very thankful to the people who helped us arrange this event for Mr. Jai Birdi: Bill Basra, Varinder Banger, Satish Aujla, Harjinder Mall (Golden) and Kamlesh Ahir”, said Paramjit Kainth, who was also the master of ceremony for the celebrations. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 16, 2008 ) |
Annual Conference of Bangla Dalit Sahitya Sanstha Manohar Biswas ( General Secretary, Bangla Dali Sahitya Sanstha, Kolkata)
Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 14, 2008 ) |
MISS. AFFVAN BAGHA PASSED AWAY It is a shock to hear about the sad demise of Miss. Affvan Bagha D/o Mr. Dhayan Singh Bagha. Miss Affvan was 21 years old and had a diploma in Laboratory. She died in an accident in Jalandhar ( Punjab) India on February 1st, 2008 when she was going home with her sister Miss Sujan Bagha on moped. Miss Sujan Bagha, who is law graduate, is admitted in the hospital. The parents Mrs. Nirmal Kaur Bagha (Mother) & Mr. Dhayan Singh Bagha (Father) are in Sacramento ( California). Mr. Dhayan Singh Bagha can be reached at Cell. Prem Kumar Chumber (Ediror: www.ambedkartimes.com) Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( February 01, 2008) ====================================================================== CONDOLENCES ON DEMISE OF AEEVAN BAGHA On behalf of Indian Buddhist Society Toronto, Canada, we extend our deepest sympathy for Bagha family for the loss of their beloved daughter Miss Affvan Bagha. We also pray to Lord Buddha to bless Miss Sujan Bagha for her quick recovery from her injuries. The loss of Mr. Dhyan Bagha's daughter is not a loss for his family alone; it is a loss for the whole community. Miss Affvan Bagha was highly educated and we can imagine how much hard work it takes for parents to raise a child to this level. Raj Kumar, Mohan Verdi, Hardev Bangar, Parkash Rahul, Gurbax Rai The sad news of Miss. Affvan Bagha’s (D/o Dhayan Singh Bagha) death was a big shock to all of us. We know that Bagha family really have suffered a terrible and cruel blow. Our hearts are full of sympathy for them at this sorrow. |
Late Narender Singh Hira |
Narender Singh Hira I on my own behalf and on the behalf of <ambedkartimes.com> share sympathies with the Chumber family on the untimely demise of Narender Singh Hira (Pappu Seth Punjabi), brother-in-law of Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber (Editor:ambedkartimes.com), on December 30, 2007. Mr. Hira was forty four years old. The Bhog ceremony will be held on Jan. 8th, 2008 in Maharashtra, India. Ronki Ram (Dr.) |
Condolences on demise of Narender Singh Hira
(Pappu Seth) My dear brother Prem Chumber and Family, Dear Mr. P. K. Chumber and Family, On behalf of Indian Buddhist Society Toronto, Canada; we extend our condolences on the untimely loss of Narender Singh Hira. It is hard to believe that a professional sportsman like him has so short life. We feel sorry for Hira family and extend our condolences. While family is dealing with unexpected death of their love one; we pray to Lord Buddha to bless them with courage to deal with the tough time and shower peace on Narender Singh Hira's departed soul. Raj Kumar Oshoraj, Indian Buddhist Society Toronto, Canada I am very sad to know the untimely demise of your brother-in-law (Narender Singh Hira) through ambedkartimes.com and I feel its unbearable loss to you and Hira’s family and our community also. On behalf of all the members of Dr Ambedkar Weaker Section Welfare Society, I express sympathy with you and Hira family and pay our tributes to demise Ambedkarite, social worker and duteous person. Harmesh Jassal (President) I really feel very sad to know about the news of Sh. Narender Singh Hira Ji's sudden death. I went to the residence of your relative Sh. Surinder Mohan Bhatia at Jalandhar for condolences with the printouts of four news papers regarding demise of Sh. Narender Singh Hira. Our hearts are full of sympathy for you and your in-laws at this sorrow. More condolences on demise of Narender Singh Hira There are no words to express grief at the sad demise of your brother-in-law. We just came to know about his death from your website/friends. Our hearts are full of sympathy for you, your wife, and your in-laws at this sorrow. Please let us know if we can be of any help. Thank you very much to all of you who expressed sympathies on the demise of Narender Singh Hira Thank you very much to all for your expression of sincere sympathies in the great loss that Chumber family and Hira family have suffered in the death of Narender Singh Hira. I on my own behalf and on the behalf of Hira family really appreciate the sentiments expressed by you all. It’s a great consolation to know that we have many friends/organizations like you all who are with us at this moment when the cruel hand of death has snatched away the only son of Hira family. Posted on January 08, 2008 |
Mrs. Dhano Chand passed away
Fresno: - Mr. Bobby Prem Lal Birdi’s grand mother (Mrs. Dhano Chand) passed away on December 29, 2007 in Fresno (California). She was born on April 9 1922 in India. Mrs. Chand was a prominent member of the Shri Guru Ravidass Community. Her son Makhan Ram Birdi passed away just six months prior in June 2007. www.ambedkartimes is very shocked to hear about the sad demise of Mrs. Dhano Chand. Our hearts are full of sympathy for Birdi family. |
Jalandhar (Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau):- It is very shocking news to the Ad Dharm World that Babu Chattar Sain S/O Baba Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia Ex M.L.A, a great freedom fighter & founder of the Ad Dharm Movement Punjab, who passed away with attack of brain hemorrhage at 11:30 on November 22, 2007 in CMC Hospital, Ludhiana (Punjab) India. Babu Chattar Sain was retired Assistant Registrar from Co-operative Societies Punjab; Chairman of Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia Memorial Trust, Trustee Shri Guru Ravi Dass I.T.I Phagwara (Kapurthala) Punjab & General Secretary of Punjab Pentioners Association Welfare Union. He was very active social man in Ad Dharm World & other social circles. He was 70 years old & father of three sons & one daughter. His all children are married & well known/well settled. We all mourn the death of Babu Chattar Sain and offer our condolences to the bereaved family. For more & in details, please contact: Mr. Manjit Harman Phone No. 987 658 4535 (India) Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com (December 1, 2007) |
Condolences to Mr. Chattar Sain's family
We are all shocked to learn about the death of Mr. Chattar Sain son of our greatest revolutionary of his times and the founder member of Gadhar Party and Ad-Dharm Movement: Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia. We send our condolences to Mr. Sain's family on their loss. Raj Kumar Oshoraj |
Condolences to Mr. Chattar Sain's family Sri Guru Ravidass Sabha Pittsburg, CA USA deeply mourns thesudden death of Babu Chattar Sain S/O Baba Babu Mangu Ram Mugowalia Ex M.L.A, a great freedom fighter & founder of the Ad Dharm Movement Punjab. This Sabha shares the fellings of the grief stricken family. May Waheguru grant peace and serenity to the departed soul and give solace and strength to the bereaved family. Ajay kataria, President of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha Pittsburgh, CA Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com (December 10, 2007)
Late Nooran Rani Mrs. Nooran Rani Dharamsot (Mother of Mr. Om Parkash Kamal Banjara Times’s editor) passed away on January 24; 2008. www.ambedkartimes.com is very shocked to hear about the sad demise of Mrs. Nooran Rani Dharamsot. Our hearts are full of sympathy for Dharamsot family. Prem Kumar Chumber Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com ( January 31, 2008 ) |
Report on the Seminar Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, who was also an NRI at one point of time and was in the forefront of the Ghaddar movement and later on became the founder father of the famous Ad Dharm movement in Punjab, started his struggle for the emancipation of the Dalits by establishing his own school where Dalit children were provided free education in a Chandigarh (Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau):- Gramin Shikshan Vikas Sanghathan (GSVS) and National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR) organized seminar on Bharat Rattan Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Dalits and Globalization at Muktsar (Punjab), Sunday December 9, 2007. In the morning session of the seminar issues relating to the problems of rural education, especially among the Dalits, and how to solve them constructively were taken up seriously. Mr. Vishwanath Meshram of Calgary (Canada) initiated the discussion with his opening detailed inaugural note on the current state of affairs of Dalit/rural education in the state and in general. He also related his experiences of the rural education in Maharashtra and the present situation over there. He asked the participants, mostly from the school and college education field, to pinpoint the main causes of neglect and how they can be covered up. What has gone wrong with the rural education system and how that can be rectified? The inaugural address was followed by a long discussion. Mr. Basant Singh Raju, former teacher, touched upon various crucial aspects of the problem. He said that the govt. is often remains indifferent to the rural education. Students belonging to the upper castes complete their syllabus much in time, whereas Dalit students’ study starts two to four months after the actual session begins. It was so because that won’t get books (to be supplied by the govt welfare department) at the beginning of the academic session. He also underlined that most of the teachers in village schools belonged to the Dalit community. They were also an exploited lot. Vacant posts are not filled for years. It is suggested to fill these posts on ad hock basis. Mr. R. Bharti another schoolteacher also touched upon various similar issues. He said though books from the welfare dept. would be available in time, but it is the teachers who deliberately delayed in to bring them. Master Harbans Singh Dish held parents and teachers also responsible for the sorry state of affairs in rural education. He said 25% students dropped from first to fifth class. Those who reached up to 8th standard majority of them pass the examination by cheating because there is pressure to pass every one who sits for 5th class examination. Principal Jagroop Singh Roop told that is lack of assertion, which is the main reason behind the poor performance of the Dalit community students. Mr. Surinder Singh talked about the stereotyped teaching techniques. Mr. Sham Lal, Principal of a senior secondary school in the region, suggested to adopt poor students as a way to improve the lot of the students belonging to Dalit community. Principal Mool Chand discussed in detail many more aspects of the deteriorating rural education. He emphasised on the need of making Dalits self-sufficient in order to provide good education to the children. Mr. Sukhdev Ram exhorted the NRI Dalit brothers to come forward to help their community build their own education system independent of the prevailing one that would also facilitate in building the self-esteem of the community. He also talked about establishing village level Dalit committees to look after the education of the children of the community. Other prominent speakers were Mr. Mohan Lal Phillauria, Mr. Rajesh Kumar and Mr. Ram Prasad Bhoriwal. The second session started after the community lunch. This session was devoted to summing up and formulating suggestions as what is to be done to improve the state-of-affair of the rural education. Mr. Roshan Chumber of Calgary, who was also one of the organisers of the seminar, laid stress on confining to the main focus of the meet and to be specific on what we want to do. He said NRI’s help would definitely be there, but more in terms of time and manpower we have to depend our community fellow back home in Punjab. Mr. Meshram, the main brain behind the seminar spoke at length summarising the discussion and elaborating on what to be done. At this level many other participants also gave the opinions: infrastructures need to be provided at the village schools, enough recruitments are to made, parents should spare more time, since majority of the Dalit students come from poor families they do not find right type of environment to study at home, so there should be some community centres in each locality in the villages to provide them conducive environment for the study etc. etc. Prof. Gurnam Singh Muktsar assured his full support and praised the efforts of the organisers. Dr. Ronki Ram, the chief guest on the occasion, gave his concluding remarks. He congratulated the organisers for their efforts to highlight the problems of the rural education how it affects the Dalit students the most. He stressed upon the need of effective networking among the various Dalit organisations and activists to revive the already much deteriorated system by taking up the matter with the right authorities and also at the community level. He said that it is a very positive trend that Dalit NRI brothers have started showing concern towards education. No community can rise without receiving education. He also reiterated on the fact that we do not need education as such; we need right type of education to become conscious of our rights and to stand on our feet. He reminded how Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, who was also an NRI at one point of time and was in the forefront of the Ghaddar movement and later on became the founder father of the famous Ad Dharm movement in Punjab, started his struggle for the emancipation of the Dalits by establishing his own school where Dalit children were provided free education in a caste free environment at his own village itself. Mr. Sushil Bharti coordinator conducted the discussion and Mr. Raresh Kumar, Secretary NCDHR; Punjab gave the vote of thanks. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com (December 20, 2007) |
Two Christians have been shot and injured Many Christian shops destroyed and Christmas Pandal razed in the area of From Dr. John Dayal To Copy to Dear Prime Minister This is a most urgent appeal for your intervention to prevent further bloodshed of Christians in Orissa on the eve of Christmas. I have just got the following message from Church members in Orissa, specially from Father Rabby [Phone number 06849-249872] Two Christians have been shot and injured, many Christian shops destroyed and Christmas Pandal razed in the area of Bamunigham, District Kandhamal, Orissa on the eve of Christmas. I am told that one Lokhanand, a known fundamentalist political activist of the area, has been warning Christians not to celebrate Christmas in any way. Today he led a mob of over 100 persons, many of whom were armed with guns and sharp weapons, to attack the Christmas celebrations and prayers taking place in a Pandal set up in the area. The mob shot at the people, injuring two most critically. They destroyed shops and the Pandal. The people fear the worst. I implore you to urge the Chief Minister and the state authorities to act expeditiously to avert further tragedy. Thank you and God bless Posted on December 25, 2007 |
"The Fifth Cup" Davinder Prasad Posted on December 22, 2007 |
Mr.D. K. Khaparde had been the key personality in starting the BAMCEF organization. He was closely associated in various stages of Phuley-Ambedkarite movement. He use to believe in hard working and was not found of publicity. He played a major role in organizing the society in non-political field. There were many attempts to bring him in politics. But he refused the offer and continued to do what he can do the best to educate the Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj. It is due to his great efforts that BAMCEF has reached in today’s stage, which is growing to every nook and corner of India. Posted on www.ambedkartimes.com (December 3, 2007) |
Staging of “The Fifth Cup”
Kean University Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies is privileged to sponsor "Bangladesh 1971: Intolerance, Violence and Genocide", A study of all but forgotten Massacre of Bengali People. The program will be held on December 9, 2007 at 4:00pm in University center little theatre in Kean University, Union, NJ. For more information please Contact: Dr. Bernard Weinstein, Professor of English, Chair of Master of Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program, Kean University.
Posted on November 15, 2007 |
Pardes Times a year completion celebration Sunnyvale (California): (Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau):- November 17, 2007: Pardes Times (Bi- Weekly News Paper) successfully celebrated its 1st year completion on November 16, 2007 which was held at Hindu Temple and Community Center, Sunnyvale (California). California based well known Punjabi singers Sukhdev Sahil, Chandan, Rajesh Raju, Sukh, Babbu Gurpal, Ishmit Narula, Sultan Akhtar & other singers performed amazingly last Friday. Many people, who deserved to be honored, were honored at this event by the Pardes Times. Over four hundred people were present at this event to enjoy this Pardes Times’s special moment. The TV YPD, Newspapers (Print Media) were also present that night. This event was hosted by a well known Journalist S. Ashok Bhaura and he did a really very good job at handling the stage and making sure everything went the way he wanted it to be. Ambedkartimes.com congratulates the management (Pardes Times Bi- Weekly News Paper) for having such a really good and well organized event. This event went really well, the arrangements were awesome and everyone had a really good time. Posted on November 18, 2007 |
DISCUSSION ON MOCHI DA PUTT Now the dispute is not between empty and full stomachs.It is between the dominant and the lower castes. Chandigarh : ( Ambedkartimes.com News Bureau):- Shahit Chintan, Chandigarh (a critical literary and cultural forum) organized a discussion on the Mochi Da Putt, collection of stories authored by Mohan Lal Phillauria, on November 4, 2007 at Pracheen Kala Kender, Sector-35B, Chandigarh. The paper on book was read by Prof. Ronki Ram of Panjab University. Mr. Mohan Bhandari, a renowned story writer, presided over the discussion. Prof. Bhushan Dhyanpuri, Prof. H.S.Mehta, Prof. Swaranjit Mehta, Dr. Prem Singh, Dr. Pritam Singh, IAS (Retd.), Dr. Gurnam Ikkeda, Fatehjaung Singh, Mr. Purkhalvi of Dalit Chintan Manch (Punjab) and Sh. Chaman Lal were among the main participants who presented their views on the book and the theme paper. Dr. Ronki Ram placed the central theme of the book in the emerging Dalit assertion in Punjab. He said that the author has been very successfully able to capture the pangs of Dalit atrocities, social exclusion and oppression widespread in almost all the villages of the state. He further said that Mohan Lal Phillauria has clearly warned in his collection of stories that now the Dalits are come of age where they can not be coerced more. They have become aware of their rights and tormentors. They want equal share in the local structures of power. They can no longer be denied participation in centers of power at the grassroots. Now the dispute is not between empty and full stomachs. It is between the dominant and the lower castes. The lower castes have ceased to submit to the calls of the dominant castes. They have started questioned the false caste domination of the upper castes. Prof. Ronki Ram recommends this book of stories for social scientists as well who would also be benefited from the sharp observations of the story writer: Mr. Phillauria. Posted on November 08, 2007 |
Shaheed Maharishi Shambook Memorial Jai Birdi Shaheed Maharishi Shambook Memorial- planned to coincide with the Remembrance Day. While many are celebrating Diwali as a symbol of the end of Rama’s exile, his triumph over Ravana, and the beginning of Ram Raj, others are taking a moment to reflect and re-evaluate the history. As a part of this process of re-evaluation, Chetna Association of Canada has made plans to pay tributes to Shaheed Maharishi Shambook, a Tapasvi, who defied the Brahaminical code and as a result was mercilessly killed by Rama. The tributes will include screening of a Hindi film, Teesari Azadi, a film that provides a view that Ram Raja was a period where justice was a privilege only for certain castes. The memorial will be observed on the Remembrance Day, November 11 at 1 PM at the Dr. Ambedkar Library in the Guru Ravidass Community Centre, 7271 Gilley Avenue in Burnaby. For information, please contact Kamlesh Ahir at 604-951-6345 Posted on November 07, 2007 |
MELA GADDARI BABEAN DA Sacramento: - Gaddar Memorial Foundation of America (Sacramento) is celebrating seventh annual cultural Mela in the memory of Shaheed S. Kartar Singh Sarabha on Saturday November 10, 2007 at 3835 Freeport Boulevard, Sacramento (California) 95822. For more & in details, please contact: Posted on November 10, 2007 |
Caste Watch UK Conference on 6th November CasteWatchUK is holding a conference entitled ‘Caste and British Discrimination Law' in Committee Room 14, House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA from 14.00 to 16.00 on Tuesday, 6th November 2007. Kindest Regards Posted on November 02, 2007 |
Effigy of Ravana "Jai Birdi" |
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Surrey ( Canada ): Dussehra was celebrated with fireworks in a temple in Surrey on October 21. Although the effigy of Ravana was not burnt at the Dussehra festival, it was pushed and left on the ground. After seeing the effigy lying on the ground in rain, one of the patrons rescued the head of Ravana *(effigy)* and placed it in a dignified place. The patron, Balbir Ghirra, said he was feeling very upset to see the great soul- a soul who had risked and lost his kingdom because of his belief in self respect and dignity- being undignified. The local Hindu temple in Surrey ( Canada ) had made plans to burn effigy of Ravana at the Dussehra festival. In the end, the temple decided to not burn the effigy of Ravana. Dalit community of the Vancouver area had suggested to the Dussehra planning committee that the burning of effigy is not appropriate, and that if Rama is a hero to some, Ravana is a Maha Soul to others. The festival of Dussehra has led many to raise the question and ask whether Rama was indeed a representative of "Good". One of the stories found in Maharishi Valmiki Ramayana states that Rama killed one of the saints. The saint's only crime was that he was doing meditation, a practice that was denied to the Shudras- members of the lower castes. People are asking how a killer of a saint can be a representative of "Good". They are also beginning to re-interpret and rewrite the history. Posted on Nov. 1, 2007 |
It is very shocking news to the community that Jatinder Kumar Bagha (Jindi) passed away on October 29, 2007 in California. He was very active social man in his social circle as well as in the community. He was born on January 31, 1960. He migrated to England in 1965 at the age of 5 & to United States in 1968 at the age of 8. The memorial services will be held at: Sacramento Memorial Lawn, 6100 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95824 on Sunday, November 4, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. For more & in details, please contact: Phone Nos: 916 548 8902 (Kewal Bolina), 916 798 9144 (Paramjit Bhutta). Posted on October 31, 2007 |
Gurnam Singh Mukatsar to pay tributes to Saheb Kanshi Ram and grace Maharishi Valmiki Day Celebrations
- By Jai Birdi On Saturday, October 27, a visiting scholar from India Prof. Gurnam Singh Mukatsar will pay tributes to Saheb Kanshi Ram who died on October 9 last year. The event is organized to pay tributes to one of the foremost leaders after Dr. Ambedkar who mobilized Dalits, Minorities, and other oppressed groups to organize politically and make effective differences in their lives. Mukatsar had known and worked diligently under Sahib Kanshi Ram and has now written several books highlighting Dalit assertion in India. The tributes will be organized at the Dr. Ambedkar Library, Shri Guru Ravidass Community Centre at 7271 Gilley Avenue in Burnaby. On Sunday Mukatsar will unveil painting of Saheb Kanshi Ram (Painted by Shital Anmol) at the Dr. Ambedkar library. The unveiling ceremony will be at 11 am followed by further presentations by Mukatsar, Sonu Ambedkar and other guests. Sonu Ambedkar is a reknowned activist and producer of telefilm, "Mochi Da Putt" (story by Mohan Philauria) from sacremanto, California will also oin Mukatsar to grace the occasion. For more information, please contact Posted on October 26, 2007 |
Mr. Dev Hayer On Saturday Oct.13, 2007 Mr. Dev Hayer M.L.A., Surrey Tynehead, Parliamentary secretary for Multiculturalism and Immigration (Province of British Columbia)was honoured at Shri Guru Ravidass Temple (C.V) Fresno (California) in the presence of lions club of Fresno and sangaat of Guru Ghar. Photo & caption: Kulwant Ubhi & Des Raj Bangar.
Babu Kanshi Ram’s First Death Anniversary and The 51st Anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar’s Conversion to Buddhism Jai Birdi To mark the first death anniversary of BSP Supremo Babu Kanshi Ram and the 51st anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism, local groups have made plans to host special events on October 20 and 21 in the lower mainland. To grace these occasions, the groups have invited Buddhist Monk Chandra Bodhi and a writer and activist, Gurnam Singh Muktsar. Babu Kanshi Ram’s painting by local artist Shital Anmol will also be unveiled and installed at the Dr. Ambedkar Library, Guru Ravidass Community Centre in Burnaby. For more information, please contact : Bill Basra at 604-725-4048 or Surinder Ranga (President, Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha, Vancouver) at 604-657-1778 (president, Chetna Association of Canada). |
Conversion Day Jai Birdi Bhante Chandra Bodhi, a visiting Budhist Monk, will lead a group of Dr.Ambedkar’s followers on Sunday, October 14 and garland Dr. Ambedkar statue at the Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada. The garlanding ceremony is organized to pay tributes to Dr. Ambedkar on historical move of adopting Buddhism, a largest mass conversion in the history of India. AHSAS - "Realizing the importance of good people in your life is just as effective as achieving the state of Nirvana" Posted on October 14, 2007 |
Posted on October11, 2007 |
Ambedkar Buddhist Mission (Toronto, Canada) is arranging a function to mark historic event of Dhamma Diksha Day on Sunday October 14th 2007. 6.30 pm at Indian Buddhist Temple. Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism on October 14th 1956 at Nagpur (India) along with more than half million of his followers. This was great religious conversion of 20th century in the history of India after Ashoka Emperior. He was the pioneer in bringing back Buddhism to its homeland. Anand Balley, General Secretary, Ambedkar Mission (Toronto) Posted on October 06, 2007 |
Mission of BAMCEF Posted on October 05, 2007 |
INDO AMERICAN CULTURE ORGANIZATION CELEBRATING Indo American culture organization (California) is celebrating Shaheed Bhagat Singh & Sukhdev’s 100th birth anniversary today (October 06, 2007) at S.E.S. Hall, 10427 East Stockton Blvd., Elk Grove, California-95624 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Posted on October 06, 2007 |
Indian Buddhist Society Toronto, Canada
Members of Indian Buddhist Society Toronto, Canada
Punjab Buddhist Society UK concerning Burma Punjab Buddhist Society UK , has been observing the world wide protests against the injustices and oppression against Burmese people by the present government of Myanmar , Burma . We express our solidarity and sympathy for the efforts of the Buddhist Monks, Nuns, Students and all the Burmese who are peacefully protesting against atrocities and for the democracy and justice. Posted on October 02, 2007 |
Friends and colleagues Posted on October 01, 2007 |
DR. RONKI RAM, SEHJAL, SRI ARSH & PRITAM SINGH Ambedkar Times News Bureau from Punjab : On 16 September, 2007, Bharatiya Dalit Sahitya Academy organized its 5th state conference of Dalit writers at Mansa (Punjab). H. E. Dr. Mata Parshad (ex. Governor Arunachal Pardesh) was the chief guest on the occasion where scholars, writers, poets as well as activists who have been contributing towards the emancipation of the downtrodden were honored. Dr. K. S. Raju IAS (Retd.), State President, read the key note address and Dr. S. P. Sumanakshar, Natonal President, introduced the Academy and provided an overview of its various activities and contributions towards the empowerment of Dalits. Smt. Paramjeet Kaur Gulshan M. P., S. Sher Singh Gagowal MLA, S. Makhan Singh MLA, S. Sukhwinder sing Aulakh Ex. MLA, Sh. L. R. Balley, Smt. Lalti Devi (UP), Sh. Bagwan Dass (Bihar), Sh. Sanjay Sagar (Jharkhand) and Sh. T. M. Kumar (Gen. Sec. Int'l Affairs) were among the various prominent personalities who actively participated in the conference. The Academy conferred Bharat Rattan Dr. Ambedkar State Award on Dr, Ronki Ram, Sh. Sohan Sehjal, Sh. Sri Ram Arash and S. Pritam Singh M.A. in recognition of the commendable literary, social & cultural service rendered by them for the upliftment of downtrodden-oppressed & depressed people of the country. Sh. Tirath Tongaria, Gen. Secretary, read the state report and proposed the vote of thanks. Posted on September 27, 2007 |
SHRI GURU RAVI DASS SABHA BAY AREA Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha (Bay Area) California is pleased to announce that the monthly programme will be held at Newark Pavilion, Newark (California) on Sunday September 30, 2007 All sangat is requested by the Sabha to participate in this programme with families and invoke Waheguru’s eternal blessings. Guru Ka Parsad & Atut Langar will be served. SHRI GURU RAVI DASS SABHA BAY AREA ( CALIFORNIA) Posted on September 28, 2007 |
Ven. Bhikkhu Chander Bodhi Ji is visiting USA and Canada from 18th September to 29th October, 2007. During the trip, Bhante Ji will visit New York, Washington, Houston (Texas), California (Sacramento, San Jose, and Yuba City), Vancouver, and Toronto (Canada). Bhikkhu Chander Bodhi Ji has been serving Dhamma in United Kingdom for the last 12 years. He is the only Bhikkhu who speaks Punjabi frequently in the UK and perhaps all over India and around the globe. While he was working with Punjabi community, he realized that there is a need of such Bhikkhu who are able to speak the language of a common man and understand their culture. Only then he is able to communicate more effectively to provide religious education to them. To achieve this objective, he has formed Punjab Buddhist Society UK and Punjab Buddhist Society Punjab. To train Bhikkhus and impart education on the basis of ‘The Buddha and His Dhamma’ by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Bhikkhu Chander Bodhi Ji is an instrumental to establish Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara at Ludhiana in the state of Punjab (India) with the cooperation of Punjabi NRI’s. This Buddha Vihara is a unique in whole of north India. It is built on one acre of land on the main G T Road (National Highway) leading from Delhi to Amritsar. Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara was opened in October 2006 on the Golden Jubilee of Baba Sahib Dr. Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism. Since then this Vihara is functioning very smoothly and quite a lot people visit this place daily. On every Sunday people come to listen to the religious discourses. Though most of the work has been completed but there are still lots of work to be done, such as; planning of constructing an Ambedkar Hall and an art work depicting the life story of Buddha inside the Seema Hall. We are very much appreciated that some of you have already helped to establish this monumental structure. Without your cooperation and goodwill, this achievement in a short span time was impossible. To complete the remaining work and to sustain Takshila Maha Buddha Vihara, Bhante Chander Bodhi Ji is again visiting you. For more information:
Posted on September 18, 2007 |
Thirteenth Dr. Amrik Singh Sacramento Sacramento :- Thirteenth Punjabi American Literature Conference organized by Punjabi Sahit Sabha California (Regd.) was attended by about 300 hundreds Punjabi writers and literature lovers from different parts of the world. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Jaspal Singh from Chandigarh (India). Dr. Baldev Singh Dhaliwal of Punjabi University Patiala and Dr; Pushvinder Kaur of In-service Training Center Patiala also presented their papers on Punjabi American literature. Dr Jaspal Singh in his keynote address challenged Punjabi writers to carve a niche for themselves in the mainstream American Ethnic literature of the US. He raised some fundamental questions as to why a representative text of Punjabis’ destiny, dreams, hopes and aspirations could not emerge from their collective experience. He illustrated the problem by citing the example of European literature in different languages. When a literary text in a particular language appears, the translated version in English also becomes available within a few months. Punjabi litterateurs need to concentrate on how to reach a larger audience in the country of their adoption. Continuing in the same strain, Dr. Jaspal made an appeal for making Punjabi Literature a part of American ethnic studies. It is time for a serious thought why Punjabi literature holds no place in American comparative literature and how such goals can be reached. He further emphasized that Punjabi litterateurs have to come out of their mental ghettos so that they could participate in a powerful manner in the mainstream American literature, media and social cultural discourse. The Punjabi Diaspora has to give up its tendency of plowing their lonely furrow. They need to get rid of their tribal psyche so as to establish their unique identity at the global level. It appears that Professors of Punjabi origin in American Universities could do more than anyone else, but unfortunately they are completely isolated from the Punjabi community in general. Instead of taking care of the interest of their community, culture, and institutions, they take America as their exclusive intellectual colony so that they can keep on perpetuating their intellectual hegemony over the ordinary Punjabi community. Dr. Jaspal Singh said that they usually behave like autocrats sitting in their ivory towers. In ordinary language they can be termed as academic Czars. To establish a distinct Punjabi identity in America which can become part of the overall American cultural discourse is a very serious problem. The Punjabi American intellectuals are sitting on the fence staring in the meaningless vacuum. The second paper of the seminar was presented by Dr. Baldev Dhaliwal of Punjabi University Patiala, India. He highlighted the contribution of Punjabi writers in the field of American short stories. He substantiated his views by giving appropriate examples from several stories which had an overwhelming response from the audience. The problem outlined by Dr. Jaspal Singh at the theoretical and ideological levels was carried forward by Dr Dhaliwal at the pragmatic levels presenting as an interesting discourse on Punjabi American literature. The audience responded very warmly to the intellectual propositions put forward by the scholar. The third paper was presented by Dr Pushvinder Kaur who came from Patiala for attending this conference. She dwelled on her personal experiences with American Punjabi literary figures and was able to establish an emotional bondage with the audience. Consequently, this seminar proved to be a challenge for the Punjabi audience at the ideological, pragmatic, and emotional levels. It seems that now time has come when Punjabi Americans have to deal with above stated problems as their futuristic projects so that their place is reserved in the overall socio-cultural discourse of America. The first session of this conference was devoted to story reading in which Harjinder Pandher and Ratheshwar Singh presented their unpublished stories. Jaswant Happowalia conducted the stage both for Story Reading and Poetry Recitation. Kamal Banga Vice President of Punjabi Sahit Sabha collaborated with Manjit Kaur Sekhon to conduct the ceremonies. In the beginning of the conference participants paid homage to departed Punjabi scholars and literary figures like S Bhagwant Singh Azad, Narinder Bhullar, Dalbir Singh and Lal Singh Dil whose demise has left a serious vacuum in Punjabi literary world. Mr. Baldev Singh son of Bhagwant Singh Azad came to the stage to receive the honor that was originally planned for his father. The stage for this session was conducted by Manjit Kaur Sekhon in a very successful way. The second session as has been stated above was held in the memory of Jamal Hoshiarpuri and its main theme was “Postmodernism and Diaspora Punjabi Literature.” Following this, Dr Amrik Singh President of Punjabi Sahit Sabha California congratulated the audience in general and the representatives of different cultural and literary institutions in particular for participating in a big way. Dr. Amrik Singh told the audience about the special message sent by veteran poet Gurcharn Rampuri from Canada about Dr. Jamal Hoshiarpuri’s contribution. Dr. Hoshiarpuri’s daughter Dr. Tehseen took keen interest in the entire proceedings of the conference. Dr. Amrik Singh also spoke about good wishes sent by veteran journalist Surjan Zirvi from Toronto and former bureau chief of The Tribune and now the editor of South Asia Post Mr. Gobind Thukral for the success of the conference. He congratulated the organizers for inviting distinguished scholars for the occasion. Mr. Jasjeet Singh Board of Directors Amritsar Times and Mr. Daljit Sra Chief Editor of Amritsar Times and Editor of World Sikh News Mr. Ajmer Singh participated and took keen interest in the proceedings. Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber Editor of Ambedkar Times congratulated the organizers for inviting scholars of caliber. Among the journalists Mr. Kuldeep Dhaliwal (Darishtikon), Mr. Husan Laroya of Ajit Group (Jalandhar) and Prem Kumar Chumber (Ambedkar Times) were honored for their contribution to Punjabi journalism. Dr. Onkar Bindra an Almuni of UC Berkeley and a former professor of Punjab Agriculture University was honored for invaluable services for the cause of Punjabi community. New members who joined the Punjabi Sahit Sabha were also welcomed such as Gurbachan Singh Bhatia, Tatinder Kaur, Jyoti Singh and Gurpal Singh Khaira. Gurpal Singh Khaira could not be present due to accident he got involved in a day before the conference. Dr. Harbhajan Singh Shergill remained present throughout the session and extended all kind of help for the conference. The third session was devoted to poetry recitation in which over 30 well known poets took part. This session was inaugurated by Azad Jalandhary a reputed poet. S. Panchhi. Bhupinder Daler, Surjit Kaur and Gurcharn Badhan jointly presided over this session. Tara Singh Sagar President of the Bay Area Unit, Neelam Saini, Ishar Singh Moman, Azad Jalandhary, Santokh Gill, Jyoti Singh, Harbans Singh Jagiyasu, Mohinder Singh Ghag, Dr. Harbhajan Shergill, Harjinder Pandher, Sukhvinder Kamboj, Kulvinder,Surinder Seerat, Major Bhupinder Daler, Jagjit Naushahirvi, Harbhajan Dhillon, Charnjit Singh Pannu, Mrs. Mr. Amrjit Dardi, Abhitav Saini, Siast Jammu, Rathi Surapuri, Gurcharn Jakhmi, Rajinder Sahota, Ravinder Atwal, Simran Kaur Dhillon, Bupinder Singh, Amanjit, Surinder Kaur, Aabneet Kaur, Inayat and Bableen, Sardara Singh Kalotia, Gurbachan Singh Bhatia, Darshan Natt, Jainder Singh Gill, Sukhdev Gill, Jagdish Gill, Raman Gill, Kamal Judge, Surinder Judge, Tatinder Kaur, Manjit Singh, M.A. Varinder Sekhon, Manjit Sekhon, Karmvir Sekhon, Fresno Unit was represented by Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Jagmit Singh Gill, Iqbal Singh, Dr. Pargat Singh, Master Malkiat Singh, Paramjit Bhutta, Kewal Bolina, Charn Judge, Lachhman Singh Rathor, Shinder Singh Australia, Parmjit Singh Randhawa, Piara Singh Kudowal, Resham Singh Sidhu, Jaswinder, Surinder Bindra, Jarnail Singh Sarpanch, Parmjit Bhuta, Palvinder Kaur, Sonia, Jeevan Rattu Shinger, Rattu Shinger, Madan Sharma Trustee Lakashmni Narain Temple, Joginder Singh Subedar participated in the session. Among the organizers who put extra efforts in making the conference successful, Harbans Singh Jagiyasu, Jyoti Singh, Tatinder Kaur, Manjit Kaur Sekhin, Rabinder Atwal, Harjinder Pandher, Kamal Banga deserve special mention. Sacramento City College Punjabi students at its UC Davis Campus attended Thirteenth Punjabi American Literature conference on 9th September 2007. They took keen interest in the proceedings of the conference and interacted with participants.
Posted on September 20, 2007 |
NCDHR BAGS PRESTIGEOUS HUMAN RIGHTS AWARDNCDHR is honoured with the RAFTO Prize 2007, an international human rights prize awarded to human rights defenders annually. The award is an important recognition for NCDHR’s work and its struggle to end discrimination and human rights violations against 167 millions of Dalits in India. NCDHR is honoured with the RAFTO Prize 2007, an international human rights prize awarded to human rights defenders annually. The award is an important recognition for NCDHR’s work and its struggle to end discrimination and human rights violations against 167 millions of Dalits in India. By this award, the RAFTO Foundation is sending a strong message to the international community that it is time for action to bring an end to the world’s most serious human rights problems.
Rikke Nöhrlind, Coordinator, International Dalit Solidarity Network, congratulates NCDHR, underlining the importance of its achievements in exposing the injustice: “The perpetrators of crimes and discrimination against Dalits continue to enjoy an outrageous degree of impunity, aided and abetted by inaction and discrimination by the criminal justice system and other officials”. She concludes: “Human rights activists and Dalits in India are asking ‘How much longer?’ This is the question governments, United Nations and the European Union should be asking themselves and especially the governments of caste affected countries”. The National Campaign has since its inception in 1998 managed to raise caste discrimination in national and international attention as a serious human rights violation. As a forum of human rights organisations, Dalit activists and intellectuals, it initiated the first ever-signatory campaign for Dalit rights. NCDHR has provided comprehensive and substantive documentation on the human rights violation against Dalits and has engaged leaders in India and international level in its commitment and efforts to get the Indian government and the international community to wake up to this massive, yet largely ignored human rights problem. With courage and determination, the NCDHR has forcefully pushed a simple message in their own country and internationally: Caste discrimination must end. The award ceremony takes place in Bergen on 2 - 4 November, 2007. www.ncdhr.org. Posted on September 24, 2007 |
www.ambedkartimes.comCongratulates toNCDHR for getting Prestigeous Human Rights Award.Posted on September 24, 2007 |
PRESTIGIOUS HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD TO NCDHR The Rafto Human Rights Memorial Prize for 2007 has been awarded to the Indian organization The National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR). We the Dalits from Kerala, congratulate one and all in our Org, The NCDHR for the Prestigious Award. We once again congratulate our sisters and brothers in the NCDHR team in particular Mr. Paul Divakar National convener, and Mr. Vincent Manoharan. We remember every monet who lost their life in the battle of caste out caste Let us join in the moment, we remember every one who lost their life and loved ones in the battle against untouchability. We, this moment dedicate ourselves for the Rightful fight against the castism.Jai Bhim! Warm regards, Posted on September 24, 2007 |
Ambedkar Mission Toronto Is inviting their respectable members & supporters Ambedkar Mission Toronto is inviting their respectable members & supporters to join us on Saturday September 22, 2007 to welcome the members of Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee of Great Britain (U.K), as we are all aware this Committee has been able to build Dr. Ambedkar Buddhist Resource Centre in Punjab with all your support. The President Mr. Paul, Treasurer Mr. Ram Parkash Jakhu and Executive Member Mr. Darshan Ram Jassal will be meeting the followers and supporters. Members of the committee will update us on projects and ask for your support for the development of Ambedkar Buddhist Resource Centre.
Posted on September 20, 2007 |
Why offering Kathina is Special? Kathina Robe Offering to the Sangha What to do on Kathina offering day ? The offering of Kathina robe or Kathina day is one of the most sacred functions in Buddhism. Besides the main Kathina robe, devotees also offer robes and other materials to the Sangha on this day. Thus they get the opportunity to participate in this function and do meritorious deeds; it is a great beneficial ceremony for the goodness and happiness of present, middle and ultimate happiness. May this meritorious act be strong support for you, for the success in life and helpful in gaining the ultimate happiness of Nibbana. Posted on September 18, 2007 |
Vancouver : Superintendent of Punjab Police from Firozpur, S. Sarwan Singh Bangar, was welcomed and honored at the Red Fort Restaurant in Vancouver for his noble services. The reception was hosted on September 19 by Chetna Association of Canada and Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Vancouver . Burnaby- Edmonds MLA Raj Chauhan and the Burnaby 's councilor Sav Dhaliwal also joined the groups and welcomed SP Bangar. The group members also acknowledged and thanked Councilor Dhaliwal for proclaiming Sep. 27 as the Shaheed Bhagat Singh Day in Burnaby . The primary discussion was on fraud marriages for the purposes of coming to Canada , increased drug dependency of youth in India , and the problems of NRIs faced about their property disputes in India . The presentation ceremony was joined by Bill Basra, Jai Birdi, Lamber Rao, Paramjit Kainth, Gopal Lohia, Sodhi Dadral, Roop Chander, Lachman Birdi, SP Ahir, Kamaljit Jassi, Harry Kainth, Surinder Owan, and others. Posted September 22, 2007 |
By Jai Birdi Vancouver: Highly regarded and respected Saints from Dera Ballan of Jalandhar (Punjab) were in Vancouver over the past week blessing their devotees and patrons from around the Vancouver area. The visit to Vancouver was a part of their North America tour. While in Vancouver, these Saints also unveiled plates (highlighting address and building inauguration information) at the request of the managing committee of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha of Vancouver (Canada).
“I am very pleased and indebted to their Holiness for taking time out of their busy schedules and doing the honors of unveiling the plates at the Guru Ravidass Community Centre”, said Bill Basra, president of the Vancouver Sabha. Incidentally, the Guru Ravidass Community Centre was officially opened by these Saints in August 2000. The unveiling of the address and other plates highlights the strong connection between members of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver) and the Dera Ballan. “The Dera Ballan is highly regarded for the medical and education facilities it offers to people in need. Both the hospital in Kathar (Jalandhar) and a school near Phagwara are exemplary facilities that have set high standards both in fields of health care and educational facilities”, described Varinder Bangar, convener of Shri 108 Sant Sarwan Dass Charitable Trust (Western Canada) who raised funds for school bus, computers, and other projects for the hospital and the school over the past years. The Dera Ballan is also gaining international recognition for the work it does- as well as for promoting teachings and messages of Shri Guru Ravidass. It has also attracted graduate students from the international institutions to conduct research on Guru Ravidass and the Dalit Diaspora. One of such students is Charlene Simon of France who has just finished her Masters and is now doing her Ph.D. on the teachings of Guru Ravidass and the Ravidassia communities abroad. Simon was also on the tour accompanying these Saints and devotees (Parkash Kaur, Nirmal Chander, Sanjeev Chauhan, and Biker Dass Chauhan from the UK and Tajiner Paul from Oregon, UK). Sanjeev Chauhan is has Masters in digital video productions and is producing a documentary of the tour). After leaving Vancouver, Shri 108 Sant Niranjan Dass Ji and Shri 108 Sant Rama Nand Ji along with their devotees left for Vernon, BC. The plan is for them to continue their tour by visiting through Quesnel, Prince George, Edmonton, Calgary, and Golden. They will then preside over the opening ceremony of the Shri Guru Ravidass Temple (managed by Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha, Ontario) on September 23, 2007. For more information, please contact Virinder Bangar at 604-999-2300 or Harmesh Sandhi at sandhi@sympatico.cam, or Sunil Raju at rajus@interlog.com Posted on September 13, 2007 |
Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee visiting Toronto (Canada) Members of Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee of Great Britain will be visiting Canada from 20th to 24th September 2007. Mr. Raj Paul president, Mr. Ram Parkash Jakhu treasurer and Mr. Darshan Ram Jassal executive member, will be meeting the followers and supporters of Dr. Ambedkar Mission Toronto for the purpose of development of the Dr. Ambedkar BuddhistResource Centre Punjab. For more info please contact: 416 609 8953, 416 578 0000 Anand Balley |
Bangla Dalit Sahitya Sanstha of Kolkata (West Bengal)
Arranged its 13th Chuni Kotal Memorial Lecture Report by: Manohar Mouli Biswas The Thirteenth Chuni Kotal Memorial Lecture Bangla Dalit Sahitya Sanstha of Kolkata arranged its thirteenth Chuni Kotal Memorial Lecture in the afternoon of August 9, 2007 in the premises of Janaki Sundari Vidyalaya, Dum Dum Cantonment, Kolkata 700065. Chuni Kotal was a Lodha Tribal Community Girl of Medinipure district. She committed suicide on August 16, 1993 while she was an M.Sc student in Vidyasagar University. What happened to her, she had been fighting with the poverty on the one hand and on the other hand she had been suffering from the caste hatred. In the classroom some of her teacher number of times said to her, ‘You the tribal of this soil get well-salaried jobs without higher qualification, then why you have come for M.Sc.?’ She was mentally hurt.And for getting remedy she complained to the V-C against the said professor. Then she was under the tremendous mental pressure to withdraw the complaint. Mentally she could not sustain and ultimately committed suicide. Symbolically her death has been accepted by the Dalits of West Bengal to protest against the caste-hatred. This year the topic of memorial lecture was about: ‘Paschim Bange Dalit Banchanar Swarup ebong Pratikar Andolon’. Dr. Birat Bairagya and Mr. Arun Maji were invited for the memorial lecture. Both of them are having lot of experiences and discussed the exploitations of dalits in West Bengal in details and the different sorts of their remedial movemements. Dr. Bikram Sarkar, IAS (Retd) was in the chair of chief guest. He elaborated the ways and means of suppression and oppression upon the dalits. Mr. Nakul Mallick has presided over the meeting. The preparatory lecture was given by Manohar Mouli Biswas, the General Secretary of Bangla Dalit Sahitya Sanstha who had told to the house why this type of memorial lecture has been arranged for last twelve years. There were a good number of the people present in the meeting. A book of grammar of Oraon tribal language was released in the function by Dr. Bikram Sarkar and the author of the book is Mr. Ramesh Bhagat, a tribal write of Oraon community. The meeting was ended with a small drama on Chuni Kotal and in the drama Mr Pran Gobinda Biswas, Mr.Ranendralal Poddar etc. took part. Prior to it a Kavi-Sammelan was arranged where Kavi.Shashi Bhusan Poddar, Kavi A. N. Halder, Kavi Manju Bala, Kavi Kalyani Thakur, Kavi Sukanta Mandal, Kavi Ashutosh Biswas, Kavi Debdas Majumdar etc participated. Posted on September 12, 2007 |
Special dhamma talk of Buddhamarga in Wolverhampton
Ven. S.M. Sujano On 2nd September 2007, Punjab Buddhist Society UK has organized dhamma talk programme on ‘How to apply Buddhist meditation in daily life’. This is a part of ‘Buddhamarga’ regular dhamma discussion session at the centre. This talk was given by Ven. Sayadaw Jnanapurnik Mahasthavir, Aggamahasaddhamma jotikadhaja vipassanachariya from Nepal. Posted on September, 07, 2007 |
AMBEDKARTIMES.COM CONDOLENCES TO THE BEREAVED FAMILY Dr. Vivek Nirala is a well known name in the community but it is very shocking news to us that his father Bhagwat Nirala (68 Years old) passed away with minor heart attack on August 29, 2007 in Bilaspur, India. Bhagwat Nirala hosted some DS4 meetings in the village during 1984-87. He was very active man in his social circle and had no previous health problem. Last two days before his death when Dr. Vivek Nirala spoke to him on phone, he was fine and doing work as usual. But this was very shocking to him when his younger brother, who was with his father in the final hours & said father is no more. Posted on September, 07, 2007 |
![]() Bhagwat Nirala |
AMBEDKARTIMES.COM Ambedkartimes.com is distressed to know the sad demise of Ishwar Das Pawar, District and Session Judge (Retd.)Whose contribution to the upliftment of the community would be remembered for ever. He was the first Scheduled Caste gazetted officer in the Punjab. It was during his stint in the passport department, as a undersecretary, that the Scheduled Castes started getting passport to go abroad. He helped thousands of community fellows to go and settled abroad. Earlier it was really very difficult for the SCs to receive the passport from the upper caste officers. Pawar sahib was also very close to Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, freedom fighter & founder of the Ad Dharm Movement. Mangoo Ram Mugowalia often used to come to Pawar Sahib with other members of the movement at Chandigarh. In 1970 he also became member of the Organizing Committee of the Ad Dharm Scheduled Caste Federation, a renewed wing of the Ad Dharm Mandal reorganized on 13 December 1970 during its first big conference held at Dera Sant Sarwan Dass,Ballan (Jalandhar). We all mourn the death of this Ad Dharm Surveer and offer our condolences to the bereaved family. POSTED ON JUNE 15, 2007 |
THIRTEENTH PUNJABI AMERICAN LITERATURE CONFERENCE ORGANIZED BY Sacramento:- The Punjabi Sahit Sabha California, USA (Regd.) is inviting to all lovers of Punjabi Literature to attend 13th Punjabi Literature Conference on Sunday, September 9th, 2007 at Lakshmi Narayana Mandir’s community hall: 7495 Elder Creek Road Sacramento, California 95824 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Dr. Jaspal Singh former literary columnist of The Tribune will deliver a key note address on Postmodern Diaspora Punjabi American Literature and a lively discussion shall follow thereafter. Your participation will be a great contribution to the historic event. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime. |
GOHANA BURNING AGAIN! MURDER OF A DALIT LEADER IN GOHANA S. L. Virdi Advocate On Monday evening, a large number of angry Dalits clashed with the police, set ablaze a police chownki, damaged Haryana Roadways buses and jammed the link road traffic in Gohana Town of District Sonipat (Haryana). 20 people were hurt in the action including 8 police men. Trouble started when a Dalit youth Rakesh Alias Lara was shot dead here last night by three men came on a motor cycle. The violence this morning was again sparked when the police brought the body of a murdered Dalit youth in a truck from the Rohtak PGIMS. A large number of Dalits protesters came out in streets in Gohana. It is pertinent to mention here that Rakesh was acquitted in the murder of Baljit Siwach a Jat Financer of nearby Garhwal village on August 27, 2005 near the Balmiki Basti in Gohana, on misbehaving a Dalit woman. How dared the Dalits? In retaliation against the Baljit's murder, a mob of twelve villagers, gathered for Maha Panchayat at Gohana on August 31, 2005, first looted the houses and set on fire the Balmiki Basti in which 50 houses of the Dalits were damaged and ruined. Under the pressure, the State government ordered a CBI inquiry into the murder and torching of Dalit houses in Gohana Balmiki Basti. The police arrested Ramesh with six other Dalit youths following the murder of Baljit Siwach, Rakesh and other three youths were, however, acquitted by the CBI special court on November 26, 2006 due to the lack of evidence. The incident took place due to revenge and for teaching a lesson to the Dalits. Dalit organizations staged strong protests, demonstrations, rallies in Rohtak, Bhiwani, Karnal, Jamna Nagar, Panch Koola, Ludhiana, Phagwara TownsPunjab. of Haryana and Posted on August 29, 2007 |
BRINGS OUT THE POWER OF LITERATURE TO EXPOSE DISCRIMINATION AND OPPRESSION By The University of British Columbia last week hosted the 14th International Triennial Commonwealth Literature Conference with the theme "Literature of Our Times." Academics from all over the world attended. In conjunction, the Chetna Association at the Dr. Ambedkar Library in the Guru Ravi Dass Community Centre organized a seminar dedicated to renowned Punjabi poet, Lal Singh Dil, last Sunday evening. Mr. Dil was scheduled to speak at the event, but due to an illness, he died on August 14. Therefore, the program was changed to commemorate his achievements in the literature of the oppressed. Several prominent writers, journalists, local artists and social activists attended and engaged in knowledge translation. The unveiling of Mr. Dil's portrait was done by a local artist Shital Anmol and a candle lighting in his memory preceded the presentations. The loss of Dil, according to many at the event, will "leave a large void in the field of the literature of the oppressed." However, his memory and powerful words live on. The new words and idioms he introduced made him a distinguished Punjabi poet. Despite being a well-known and progressive writer, he died in poverty and, as members of the Chetna Associoation pointed out, "a few days earlier, the poet was found unconscious in his dingy room at Balmiki Mohalla when a team of TV journalists arrived to film a documentary on his contribution to the revolutionist poetry in Punjab." Being a Dalit left a deep scar on Dil's identity, and because of his caste he also suffered spiritually, abandoned his Hindu religion and did not die a Hindu. At the event, one way to pay tribute to the passion that led him to change the condition of the landless was through a visual clip. Indeed, his words were powerful when he spoke about the lived experience of being Dalit. "This shows our people's slavery and mental slavery," he said. His words to explain the oppression and to encourage activism were expressed thus: "Those who do not know how to fight and those who wish not to fight are enslaved; slavery is a terrible scar. We do not know how to speak up, that is the issue - we keep silent. People must realize this is our land and it belongs to us." The words are very much at the heart of Karl Marx's ideas about mobilization of the masses to produce social change. A necessary strategy is for a leader to form and to help get the oppressed out of "false consciousness." This involves questioning and debunking the ideologies employed to oppress them. What people need to realize is that they occupied the land first. In this context, a "Conflict Perspective," would argue that the caste system is an "ancient prejudice" to rationalize the unequal distribution of resources. Franz Fanon pointed out a similar argument for change in his well-known book "The Wretched of the Earth," where he wrote about the need to educate the masses as a means of liberation from oppression in the context of the Algerian war and terrorism. It is this theme of mobilization and education that the guest speakers touched on. Keynote speakers at the UBC conference also spoke at the event. They included Sivakami Palanimuthu, a writer and social activist who is described as a "champion of Dalit and women rights." Her most recent work is the novel "The Grip of Change" in which she shows "Dalit life in the raw, what is done to them, and what they do themselves," (The Hindu, 2006). When I asked her about the strategies she employed to expand the Dalit Land Rights Movement in the context of government, she was not shy to talk about her interactions with government officials and her interactions with members of the Tamil Panther Movement, as well as the hospitality of Dalit Panther leader, Thirumavalar. She spoke about "being a tool of the movement to organize meetings and raise awareness of the plight of the Dalits and their landlessness and the need for the creation of land policy. Some key issues raised were: 1) government has a "modern" responsibility; 2) how Dalits can turn to the government and ask for land; 3) uprooting of Dalits who dwell on high cost land (in the urban centers); 4) provisions of basics amenities in urban settings; and 5) amendments to "The Land Ceiling Act." She also stated that the issues of the Dalits are not only economical in accessing land, but "much more, it is the dignity." Although she herself is successful and has elevated herself economically; she spoke about still being tagged as a "Dalit." Inspired by her words, Ajmer Rode, (regarded as the "founder of Punjabi theater in Canada" who wrote the first Punjabi play Dooja Passa on racism experienced by minorities and is known for his recent play Rebirth Of Gandhi, which was inspired by Ms. Palanimuthu's work), said: "Her writing indeed is what a writer should be, getting involved at the grass roots level -the writing that comes out of that - is real writing." Another speaker from the conference was Arun Prabha Mukherjee, a professor of English at Toronto's York University, specializing in South Asian and minority literatures. Mukherjee has authored many books, including her much acclaimed "Towards an Aesthetic of Opposition and is currently translating Marathi Dalit writer Sharan Kumar Limbale's novel "Hindu." She pointed out how Mr. Dil's poetry inspired her: "Poets like Lal Singh Dil leave words behind that will inspire in different phases of peoples lives. They are the spark and the light to keep the fire burning." As an educator, she said, "It is sad that this great literature is not taught in schools and universities. These words have a great effect on the younger generation because of the eye-opening realities of life of India that was hidden from them. People forget social injustice and different work needs to be done to keep memories alive. "Prominent activist from Nawan Shaher, Mr. Om Parkash Lakha (General Secretary of Dr. Ambedkar Mission Society and Trust), also spoke and said he that he was hopeful to tell the Dalits upon his return to India, that Dr. Amdedkar societies are doing well in Canada, and "in a globalized world, emancipation is easier." As the evening came to a close, local Punjabi singer, Kamlesh Ahir sang with passion and asked: "Why did Lal Singh Dil never marry? He chose not to because he loved a woman from a different caste and he loved her all his life." Indeed, Mr. Dil lived for self-respect and died for self-respect even in matters of the heart. Also present at the event, as the only non-South Asian, was conference participant Dr. Karin Doerr, professor from Concordia University, Montreal. She was called upon to be part of the award presentation. Her work as researcher and educator is connected to injustice, revolving around the issues of extreme discrimination and genocide as they occurred during World War II in Germany and examines its manifestations in language and literature. Of special concern to her is the plight of women in struggles and conflicts because it often gets neglected. She said her visit and interactions within the South Asian community and its literature was a learning experience as she enhanced her knowledge about the injustice experienced by the Dalits and the widows in the Delhi colonies following the Sikh massacre of 1984. This, she feels, needs to be shared and exposed more to promote general awareness. In closing, one of the organizers of the event with the Chetna Association, Jai Birdi, said the speakers' words generated such passion and emotion as they collectively, through their academic work and interest, paid homage to the Dalit movement and the discrimination they experience. They agreed that we all have a social responsibility to fight castism, to continue to make it a global issue and employ the strategies for social transformation urged by Dr. Ambedkar: "Educate, organize and agitate." This article forwarded by Mr. Jai Birdi. Posted on August 29, 2007 |
ATROCITIES AND SOCIAL BOYCOTT S. L. Virdi Advocate There are discriminated people all over the world but no any where on this earth the natives now known as Dalits, the sons of their own soil, have been treated as animals continuously for thousands years under the social system called Varna System. The system is now popularly known as caste system. In India, 350 millions of people officially termed and called Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes now called Dalits are being treated inhumanly, discriminated against and oppressed relentlessly by various modes and methods. If Dalits try to enjoy the constitutional rights to improve their life, they are brutally killed, their women are raped, children are slaughtered, wells are poisoned, and their dwellings are burned collectively. One Lakh cases of atrocities are reported in the police stations every year and almost equal number of atrocities is not reported and recorded. During last 60 years about One Lakh people have been killed by the upper caste people due to castism. Punjab is not very much behind in committing atrocities and following the practice of untouchability. In Tur village of the Tarn Taran District, the Dalits are facing social boycott by the Landlords for the past ten days. Trouble started when a Dalit woman Charanjit Kaur with her relative (Kurmani) Swarn Kaur had gone to the fields for answering the call of nature (excreta). A Landlord's son misbehaved them. The matter was reported to Police, which booked the boy, in retaliation, the Landlord imposed the social boycott on Dalits. Situation in the village is tense, but the Police is strictly watching. On 19th August in village Faridpur of District Fatehgarh Sahib in Punjab, four Dalit girls were forced to pick up their own nature soil (excreta) with their hands and were victimized by the landlords. DALIT STUDENT LOST HIS VISION FOR DEMANDING MORE FOOD IN BIHAR A Dalit Navin Kumar Paswan, student of fourth class, Government School, Aujapauchha of District Purnea in Bihar, lost his one eye after headmaster and master beating him up mercilessly for simply demanding more food during Mid-Day Meal Scheme run by the WHO, Agency of the UNO. POSTED ON AUGUST 27, 2007
SCAVENGER GIRLS OF MOHAMMDABAD, V. B. RAWAT I have just returned from a long trip from Eastern Uttar-Pradesh. On 15th of August, this year, at Mohammdabad, we honored the two young girls from scavenger community who stood first in their board examinations of 10th and 12th. We had promised to give them a bicycle each if they score good marks. The two of them worked hard. To instigate the other girls and boys in the community to work harder, a meeting was organized with the parents of the girls and other elders from the community. Social Development Foundation's local centre in Mohammdabad has become ray of hope for not only the scavenger and Dalit girls but also for the Muslims girls who come and learn sewing. A two days workshop in developing humanist leadership among Dalit youth was also organized in Mohammdabad. We would like to thank each one of our individual donors who supported the cause of the Dalit girls and hope they would continue do so. I will be sending a detailed note to our friends soon on the outcome of our scholarship scheme. We are happy to inform you that apart from sewing, we have decided to start a computer learning programme at our centre and are in the process of getting another computer so that the girls can learn computer skills. Apart from that we also intend to start designing, jardoi work also. The process has been difficult as this is really a constructing work and the community is appreciating it but individual donations are tough thing to collect. We will be releasing the list of individuals who donated last year and our expense sheet for the same. This year we plan to provide scholarship to 15 girls & already 40 girls are learning sewing free of cost. Now as our computer centre will start functioning in next two months, we expect more enrollments for the same. POSTED ON AUGUST 24, 2007 DALITS AFTER 60 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF INDIA Phagwara:- On 19th August in village Faridpur, 30 km. from Patiala District in Punjab, four dalit girls were forced to pick up their own excreta with their hands and were victimised by the landlords. The girls had gone to the nature soil in the fields. The owner of the field not only insulted them but forced them to pick up the excreta. The Local Dalits protested against the inhuman behaviour but police failed to take action against the land lords accused. The Constitution of India in its article 46 casts a duty on the state to protect Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes from social injustice and all forms of exploitation. How far has the state been able to protect them?. The state government failed to check atrocities on Dalits in Punjab. Atrocities on Dalits are due to Casteism. There have been innumerable and persistent atrocities on Dalits even after the 60 years of Independence of India. S. L. Virdi, Advocate, (Phagwara, Punjab.) POSTED ON AUGUST 22, 2007 SPECIAL THANKS TO Our special thanks to Shri Guru Ravidas Sabha New York and to all Punjabis who took first historic step to highlight Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in India 's 60th Independence Day Parade in New York . NRI Punjabis have played a lead role in spreading and promoting Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's mission around the world for over fifty years. They have always offered their services and finances voluntarily for the community support. I must mention here that the main organizers and financers of Baba Sahib's float were our Punjabi brothers and sisters of New York along with other Indians. We extend our support from around the world to encourage them to do more such historic events. We are proud of our community members who dedicate their time and money to spread Baba Sahib's Mission of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Today, we are proud of all who organized Baba Sahib's float for the parade. Our special thanks to Shri Guru Ravidas Sabha and all Punjabi brothers and sisters for their support and financial help that made it happen. Also, we appreciate AMBEDKARTIMES.COM for posting beautiful pictures of the float. Yours, in mission, POSTED ON AUGUST 24, 2007
AMBEDKAR FLOAT ON INDIA DAY PARADE IN NEW YORK RAJU KAMBLE This is first time in New York, Ambedkar float is being put in the India Day Parade in New York. The India Day parade is on Sunday, the 19 August 2007. This is a good occasion for all of us around New York City to show solidarity and show of our strength. The Parade will start at 9.00 A.M. Our float is something like 45 ft. Our friends in New York are working very hard on getting real big size portraits of Babasaheb. The idea was muted quite late and then to get the permission to be part of the procession was not all that easy. Hence it took lot of time to fix all these things. The entry fee into the procession is US$ 3500; which is already been paid of by the Ambedkarites in New York. So, please join us one and all. I guess our people right up to Virginia in the south and up to Boston in the North/East should make an attempt to be part of this parade with their families. Our Punjabi friends are hiring a bus to facilitate participation of our people from Queens’s area in New York. The parade starts at 41st street in Madison Square and goes up to 23rd Street. This is a first time ever for all of us and hence i too, cannot resist from not participating in it and hence will definitely show up in New York. Quite a few of us are working on putting together the posters, banners and the handouts for distribution. So, see you all in New York on Sunday, 19 August 2007. For more in-details, please contact: Raju kamble (Canada) 403-615-4590 |
DEBATE ON DALITS Lord Alton of Liverpool asked Her Majesty’s Government: Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, officials at the British High Commission have regular discussions on human rights, including rights for Dalits, with the Government of India. My right honourable friend Ian McCartney, the Minister of State for Trade and Investment, raised human rights issues during his recent visit to India and subsequently wrote to Anand Sharma, the Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs. |
1) Model of Takshila Buddha Vihara Ludhiana. (2) Free Medical check ups for Buddhist Monks, (3) Doctors are seeing the patients, (4) Seth Sat Pal Mall is giving away Momentos to Doctors,
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