

On the first death anniversary [9
October 2007] of Manyawar Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, <ambedkartimes.com>
pays its glowing tribute to the Messiah of Dalits, Downtrodden and Backwards for
dedicating his whole life in order to help them stand on their feet with
dignity, self-respect and courage.
In 1978 he launched his first organization BAMCEF to
consolidate the SC, ST, and OBC government employees and to establish Dalit
hegemony over the Bahujan Samaj. In 1982 he constituted DS-4 which enjoyed
greater presence in the villages of the country. In 1984, Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji
formed the BSP to provide a clear shape to his project odd Dalit emancipation
and empowerment.
Km. Mayawati, his lieutenant is now in the forefront of that
great project and has been discharging her duties in order to convert the
project into a living reality.
Posted on October 09,
2007 |
I am glad to inform you all that ambedkartimes.com has successfully completed one year of its humble service towards
the cause of the community. I have been thinking for quite long time
how to reach my community and to highlight the state of affairs through
which it has been passing and also to facilitate in a very modest way
in the upliftment of my fellow beings. It is with this objective in
mind that I ventured into this web site which has now completed full
one year. All this has become possible only due to your constant support and encouragement. I on my own behalf and on the behalf of ambedkartimes.com
put on record my sincere thanks to all the respectable contributors as
well as all the dear readers without whose support this web site could
not have been sustained. This
site has been dedicated to Bharat Rattan Baba Sahib Dr. Bhim Rao Ramji
Ambedkar in the memory of Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, Gadharite and
founder of Ad Dharm Movement in Punjab. The sole aim of this site is to highlight the plight of the Mulnivasis (Inhabitants) of India
who have not only been deprived of their due share in the wealth of
their own country, but had also been subjected to untold miseries over
centuries. Atrocities against them are still rampant in almost all the
parts of the country. Hardly a day passes when there is no news about
the social boycott or physical repression of all sorts on them. ambedkartimes.com
is duty bound to highlight all such incidents as well as to seek and
articulate some solid perspective for the amelioration of this age-old
problem old social exclusion and blatant violation of the basic human
rights of the Dalit brethren. The improved version of this site is coming soon in the beginning of September 2007. I
once again thanks for your kind support and also expect the same in
future too so that this modest attempt would continue in the service of
our community. ambedkartimes.com
deeply welcome your suggestions for its better functioning. This is
your web site and it is you who have to make it successful. Kindly send
your valuable articles, news reports, and opinions regularly, we would
be pleased to carry them gratefully. Jai Bhim.
With warm regards  Editor,
Posted on September 1st, 2007
Ambedkartimes.com and the so-called Upper Castes
Dear Readers,
Ambedkartimes.com received an e-mail seeking its
opinion on the question of whether this World's fastest expanding web-site
entertains reports, articles and essays written by scholars belonging to
Non-Dalit or Upper Caste categories?
Let me (the editor of this site), clarify at the
outset that <www.ambedkartimes.com> firmly believes in the philosophy and
teachings of Bharat Rattan Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and aims at in its
modest way to keep the caravan going on struggle. Baba Sahib had very clearly
said that Brahmanism is a state of mind and an ideology rooted in Hindu
Shastras. Brahmanism is not a person. A particular person who belongs to an
Upper Caste but does not believe in the muck of the Hindu Shastras and is
critical of its chaturvarna theory can not be tied with Brahmanism simply by
virtue of the fact that he is born Upper Caste. Such thinking totally negates
the very radical philosophy of Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar who clearly condemned any
kind of discrimination based on birth/caste.
After the episode of Jat-Pat Todak Mandal of
Lahore in 1936, Baba Sahib Dr. Ambedkar decided that henceforth he would not go
to any Caste Hindu organization but will welcome any one from the Upper Castes
if he or she believes in Annihilation of the Caste system and agree with his
philosophy of emancipation and empowerment of the Dalits.
Thus, ambedkartimes.com is of the firm view that
if any one, whosoever she/he may be, tries to distort the path of Baba Sahib'
struggle and creates a wedge between the Dalits and the Dalit-sympatric scholars
(who irrespective of their caste repose faith in the Philosophy and teachings of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar) is an enemy of the Dalits and the cause of the
<www.ambedkartimes.com> encourage and
welcome scholars of Dalits as well as non-Dalit background to contribute their
valuable writings that will enlighten the cause of the Dalits and further the
on-going both in India and elsewhere.
Further <www.ambedkartimes.com> does not
discriminate simply on the basis of birth, rather it is duty bound to make all
efforts for the elimination of this disastrous practice of Brahminical ideology
that has made the life of Dalits a hell for centuries all together.
It also caution that we too should not fall victim
to such nefarious designs of the Brahminical ideology and warns to be at guards
so that Brahmanism should not enter the rank and files of the Ambedkarite
struggle from the back door!
With Regards, Editor, wwww.ambedkartimes.com Posted on September 11,
"ambedkartimes.com and the So-called Upper Castes". Ambedkartimes.com
Ambedkartimes.com has been serving the most
deserved humans on earth the dalits for the past one year, I applaud the
work and the vision, I feel very proud about Ambedkartimes
Dr. Saint, Ambedkarite
Jai Bheem,
I have been a regular reader, visitor and a
well wisher of Ambedkartimes. I have known the lone sailor of this Ambedkartimes
website for quite sometime, Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber is a dedicated and a pure
Ambedkarite. There was a time, our savior Bheem Rao said something about the
term "Mahatma", he said "Mahatmas have come and Mahatmas have gone but the
untouchables remain untouchables". In a similar sense, we see dalits talk so
highly of this and that but at the subtle level they have done nothing to the
society. Quite often during my conversation with Chumber Ji, one thing came to
my notice that the bragging of some dalits who are not Ambedkarites in real
sense. For instance, people call themselves Buddhists or Ambedkarites, but when
you visit their homes or talk to them at little deeper levels, you would easily
discover how rotten their homes and thoughts with "Hindu idols and Hindu
It would be an ultimate shame if someone calls
thyself an Ambedkarites but at his/her house they worship Hindu gods and keep
those myriads of idols, pictures of this Hindu god and that Hindu gods in their
house, Hindu gods are the highly decorated and hyped mythical statues of Hindu
chaturvarna culture that makes no sense for those who reason, we Ambedkarites
are people of reason. And, I did talk to few of some well known dalits who
called themselves as Ambedkarites, but all their pep talks about Ambedkarism was
meaningless when I came to know that their family members worship Hindu gods,
and this so called great Ambedkarite cannot even change his wife or other family
members to learn and follow Buddha's teachings or Dr. Ambedkar's principles.
We Ambedkarites do not tolerate such idol
worshiping ignorance and ambivalent stupidity. Be an Ambedkarite and give up
your life and learning to the teachings and preaching of our savior Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar and to Lord Buddha. If you do not do so, you are a betrayer. If you
believe and worship Hindu gods, do not even think of coming here to any of our
Ambedkarites gatherings, this is only for humans who use their brains and minds
to upheld the dignity of our society and uplift our people in every sense.
On one of my recent trip to California for a
meeting, I stayed overnight in a hotel, knowing that I am in town and in a
hotel. Mr. Chumber Ji invited me to his home for a dinner, when I visited his
home, I was delighted in joy to see a huge portrait of Ambedkar just in front of
the big living room directly facing the main doorway and on the steps another
huge picture of Buddha, no Hindu gods or filthy idols. Though he is a Punjabi
who goes to Shri Guru Ravidass temple and participate in Shri Guru Ravidas
temple activities, he remained a pure Ambedkarite in words, deeds and in his
That's exactly why, we became close in
spreading the Dhamma to our dalits through writing, and this is just the
beginning, watch very closely on both "upliftthem and on Ambedkartimes.com, we
are here to bring the Dhamma to our dalits the most needy humans on earth who
were sabotaged for centuries and centuries by those idol worshiping, mindless
Indians. All Indians including Indians of all religion and faiths, they all
betrayed our dalits. There is no one we can trust or rely upon for uplifting our
society, it is us and only we our self can change and uplift our society.
What you all the readers of this site must
know that people like Prem Chumberji's are rare people, they are the real
servant of our society, I have to recall another quote from Dr. B. R .Ambedkar,
"a great man is different from an eminent one in that he or she is ready to be
the servant of the society. This is where Premji is a real Ambedkarite and we
need people like him to our society. Not those mindless political leaders of
Dalit origin, who are slaves of the Brahmincal and feudal system of India.
This editorial of mine is just a warning to
sabatogers that there is a zero tolerance for any backdoor sailors in this
Ambedkartimes.com, as Prem rightly put it in his message to someone who wrote if
upper case people can write. This is not a place for someone to walk in and play
the 3000 year old same trick of sabotagery of dalits, it will not work here. Nor
it is a filthy political stage where one can join hands for selfish ideas and
then betray. This is for people who reason and people who treat humans with
dignity. If you think you are and then you can write and publish your thoughts,
we do not discriminate good humans who come from any corners of this earth, but
we will certainly chase the Brahmins or hindutuva and atrocious people of India
out of our intellectually admired place of Ambedkarism.
Jai Bheem,
Dr. Saint, Ambedkarite
Posted on September
13, 2007 |

Ambedkartimes.com is distressed to know the
sad demise of Ishwar Das Pawar, District and Session Judge (Retd.)Whose
contribution to the upliftment of the community would be remembered for ever. He
was the first Scheduled Caste gazetted officer in the Punjab. It was during his
stint in the passport department, as a undersecretary, that the Scheduled Castes
started getting passport to go abroad. He helped thousands of community fellows
to go and settled abroad. Earlier it was really very difficult for the SCs to
receive the passport from the upper caste officers. Pawar sahib was also very
close to Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia, freedom fighter & founder of the Ad
Dharm Movement. Mangoo Ram Mugowalia often used to come to Pawar Sahib with
other members of the movement at Chandigarh. In 1970 he also became member of
the Organizing Committee of the Ad Dharm Scheduled Caste Federation, a renewed
wing of the Ad Dharm Mandal reorganized on 13 December 1970 during its first big
conference held at Dera Sant Sarwan Dass,Ballan (Jalandhar).
We all mourn the death of this Ad Dharm
Surveer and offer our condolences to the bereaved family.
Opinions: "ambedkartimes.com and the So-called Upper Castes". Ambedkartimes.com
Ambedkartimes.com has been serving the
most deserved humans on earth the dalits
for the past one year, I applaud the work and the vision, I feel very proud
about Ambedkartimes work.
Dr. Saint, Ambedkarite
Jai Bheem!
I have been a regular reader, visitor and
a well wisher of Ambedkartimes. I have
known the lone sailor of this Ambedkartimes
website for quite sometime, Mr. Prem Kumar Chumber
is a dedicated and a pure Ambedkarite.
There was a time, our savior Bheem Rao
said something about the term "Mahatma", he said "Mahatmas have
come and Mahatmas have gone but the untouchables remain untouchables". In
a similar sense, we see dalits talk so
highly of this and that but at the subtle level they have done nothing to the
society. Quite often during my conversation with Chumber Ji, one thing came to my notice that
the bragging of some dalits who are not Ambedkarites in real sense. For instance,
people call themselves Buddhists or Ambedkarites,
but when you visit their homes or talk to them at little deeper levels, you
would easily discover how rotten their homes and thoughts with "hindu idols and hindu worshiping.
It would be an ultimate shame if someone
calls thyself an Ambedkarites but at his/her
house they worship hindu gods and keep
those myraids of idols, pictures of this
hindu god and that hindu gods in their house, hindu gods are the highly decorated and hyped
mythical statues of hindu chaturvarna culture that makes no sense for
those who reason, we Ambedkarites are
people of reason. And, I did talk to few of some well known dalits who called themselves as Ambedkarites, but all their pep talks about Ambedkarism was meaningless when I came to
know that their family members worship hindu
gods, and this so called great Ambedkarite
cannot even change his wife or other family members to learn and follow
Buddha's teachings or Dr. Ambedkar's
We Ambedkarites
do not tolerate such idol worshiping ignorance and ambivalent stupidity. Be an Ambedkarite and give up your life and learnings to the teachings and preachings of
our savior Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and to Lord Buddha. If you do not do so, you are
a betrayer. If you believe and worship hindu
gods, do not even think of coming here to any of our Ambedkarites gatherings, this is only for
humans who use their brains and minds to upheld the dignity of our society and
uplift our people in every sense.
On one of my recent
trip to CA for a meeting, I stayed overnight in a hotel, knowing that I am in
town and in a hotel. Mr. Chumber Ji
invited me to his home for a dinner, when I visited his home, I was delighted
in joy to see a huge portrait of Ambedkar
just in front of the big living room
directly facing the main doorway and on the steps another huge picture of
Buddha, no hindu gods or filthy idols. Though he is a Punjabi who goes to Ravidass temple and participate in Ravidas temple activities, he remained a pure Ambedkar in words, deeds and in his vision.
That's exactly why, we
became close in spreading the Dhamma to
our dalits through writing, and this is
just the beginning, watch very closely on both "upliftthem and on Ambedkartimes.com,
we are here to bring the Dhamma to our dalits the most needy humans on earth who were
sabotaged for centuries and centuries by those idol worshiping, mindless Indians. All Indians
including Indians of all religion and faiths, they all betrayed our dalits. There is no one we can trust or rely
upon for uplifting our society, it is us and only we our self can change and uplift our society.
What you all the readers of this site
must know that people like Prem Chumberji's are rare people, they are the real
servant of our society, I have to recall another quote from Dr. B. R .Ambedkar,
"a great man is different from an eminent one in that he or she is ready
to be the servant of the society. This is where Premji is a real Ambedkarite and we need people like him to our
society. Not those mindless politicalDalit origin, who are slaves
of the brahmincal and feudal system of India.
leaders of
This editorial of mine is just a warning
to sabatogers that there is a zero
tolerance for any backdoor sailors
in this Ambedkartimes.com, as Prem rightly put it in his message to someone
who wrote if upper case people can write. This is not a place for someone to
walk in and play the 3000 year old same trick of sabotagery of dalits,
it will not work here. Nor it is a filthy political stage where one can join
hands for selfish ideas and then betray. This is for people who reason and people who treat
humans with dignity. If you think you are and then you can write and publish
your thoughts, we do not discriminate good humans who come from any corners of
this earth, but we will certainly chase the Brahmins
or hindutuva and atrocious people of India
out of our intellectually admired place of Ambedkarism. Jai Bheem
Posted September 13, 2007